Studierende sitzen auf den Holzinseln vor dem D2

Breathing & Opening your Arms

Video Atmen & Arme öffnen

Atmen & Arme öffnen

How it's done:

  • stand hip-width apart

  • fold your hands in front of your chest

  • breathing in, open your arms at shoulder level

  • breathing out, fold your hands in front of your chest again

  • your eyes are defocused and you look straight at eye level (helps to calm your mind)

  • pay attention all the way to your finger tips

  • sense the space around you

  • practice for 1-5 minutes

  • afterwards: let your body work (i.e. sense your body and move if there's any impulse to)

This practice supports:

  • strengthens the lung capacity and gives the lungs space

  • staying centered while perceiving your environment

  • awareness of your peri-personal space