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Mapping global rooftop growth for sustainable energy and urban planning
A novel machine learning framework to estimate global rooftop area growth from 2020 to 2050 can aid in planning sustainable energy systems, urban development, and climate change mitigation, and has potential for significant benefits in emerging economies.
Nikolaus Franke honored as European Entrepreneurship Educator of the Year
WU researcher Nikolaus Franke has received the European Entrepreneurship Educator of the Year Award.
How future-oriented company boards drive innovation
Publicly listed companies are under growing pressure to deliver short-term results while at the same time driving long-term innovation. Against this background, it is crucial for the board to focus on the company’s long-term strategic development. In academia and in the business community, there are increasing calls for bringing more relevant expertise to the boardroom to be able to master the challenges of the future. However, this expertise only pays off if directors actually share it as part of their governance responsibilities. WU Professor Patricia Klarner, head of the Institute for Organization Design, investigates the role of the board in long-term, high-risk product innovation.