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“Our goal is to grow a community of digital humanists”
How can we ensure that technology serves the people – and not the other way around? Questions like these are being researched at the new Doctoral College for Digital Humanism – a joint project of WU, the University of Vienna and TU Wien. In this interview, WU researchers Marta Sabou and Jan Maly explain why the world needs Digital Humanism more than ever.
How can we make online decision-making fairer?
From Doodle surveys to digital democracy: The internet gives us new opportunities to make group decisions. But how can such votes be made as fair as possible? This is what WU researcher Jan Felix Maly looks at in a new research project.
“A unique opportunity to conduct fundamental research in the field of AI”
In the FWF Cluster of Excellence “Bilateral AI”, top researchers from Austria are working on the future development of artificial intelligence. Among them are experts from WU like Axel Polleres – in this interview, he talks about the goals they are pursuing and what the AI of the future could be capable of.
Setting limits for artificial intelligence
If AI systems make decisions solely on the basis of data and algorithms, it leads to ethically problematic outcomes
Industry 5.0: A co-worker called AI
Artificial intelligence could help make manufacturing work safer, easier, and more productive. This is the idea behind the EU-funded PERKS research project, in which researchers from WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) play a pivotal role.
Artificial intelligence: Better data processing and editing are key
In today’s age of digitalization and artificial intelligence, data is becoming an increasingly important asset for society. We live in a data-based and data-driven economy. New business models depend on the availability of reliable, up-to-date data that guarantees transparency and resilience. However, if this data is not properly processed and maintained, it is often useless. A team led by Professor Axel Polleres, head of the Institute for Data, Process and Knowledge Management at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), has conducted a study to determine which data is actually important to people and developed methods to make data easier to use, for both people and machines.