Studierende sitzen in der Wiese vor dem D4

PhD/Doctoral exchange at WU Vienna

We welcome all PhD and doctoral students interested in a stay at WU Vienna. Below you will find information on the different options to do an exchange at our university.

Please note that depending on your individual situation, you will need to contact different WU Vienna service units. The aim of this website is to give you a good overview.

First of all, we would like to know the purpose of your stay!

Is it primarily for research or are you taking courses at WU Vienna? In case you are taking courses at WU Vienna, you require a student status here. Consequently, there are specific timelines to consider.

Incoming Phd students from WU Vienna partner universities [with or without student status]

Incoming Phd students with Erasmus+ scholarship [student status required]

Other Incoming PhD/doctoral students [non-partner universities & without scholarship]

Incoming PhD and doctoral students with an OeAD scholarship (Aktion Österreich, Ernst Mach-Stipendium)

Incoming Phd students from ENGAGE partner universities taking courses at WU Vienna