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Blockchain for science: better technical solutions, fewer barriers


From May 7 to 8, 2018, international experts will be focusing on the topic “Scientific Publishing on the Blockchain” at a UN conference held at WU. The aim of this event is to coordinate international activities concerning the development of new blockchain-based scientific publishing solutions. The two-day conference is organized by WU’s Research Institute for Cryptoeconomics together with the platform Blockchain for Science.

The event focuses on the improvement and acceleration of current research processes and legacy business models in scientific publishing, which are mostly technologically outdated. “Currently, the results of publicly funded research are often commercialized by a few private corporations, while taxpayers have little or no access to these scientific publications. Blockchain-based solutions have the potential to solve many current problems by building on existing initiatives and concepts like Science 2.0, open science, open data, and open peer review,” explains Shermin Voshmgir, Director of the Research Institute for Crypoteconomics. The technology also inspires many researchers to create new applications: It could be used, for example, to verify results, administer research funding, or for scientific reputation systems. Many ideas are promising, but not yet tested.

Top-class speakers

At the conference, international experts will approach the topic from both theoretical and practical perspectives. In addition, many international start-ups will be presenting their technical innovations and current projects on blockchain-based scientific publishing. The conference was initiated by Shermin Voshmgir and her colleague Alfred Taudes, academic head of the Research Institute for Crypoteconomics, together with Soenke Bartling, founder of “Blockchain for Science.”

Agenda and registration: https://www.blockchainforscience.com/category/events/

UN conference: Scientific Publishing on the Blockchain
When: May 7–8, 2018
Where: Campus WU, AD building, conference room 1, Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna

Anna Maria Schwendinger
PR Manager
Phone: + 43-1-31336-5478
Email: anna.schwendinger@wu.ac.at

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