Writing your Bachelor's Thesis with us

We also supervise theses in the BBE program. If you are interested in one of our team members’ research foci (see here), please contact the respective person via e-mail!

We welcome students who want to write their bachelor’s thesis with us. The range of potential thesis projects spans from purely conceptual, to empirical and to collaboration projects with practitioners.

Open Topics for Bachelor's Theses:

Wisdom of the crowd vs. marketing for the world’s problems

Comparing questionnaires to assess situational meaning in interactions with digital technologies

Exploring the role of meaning and need satisfaction for consumers’ adoption of generative artificial intelligence

Requirements for supervision

In case of multiple applications, students of our specialization will be favored in the application procedure.

Before starting with your bachelor thesis, we recommend that you successfully complete “Scientific Writing” (“Grundlagen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens”).

Moreover, we advise starting your thesis only after successfully completing course 1.

How can you apply?

Please download the file “Application form" (German) "Application form" (English), fill in the requested information and send it via email to mcore@wu.ac.at or directly to the specified supervisor. We will discuss your application in the next faculty meeting. You will hear from us shortly afterwards.

In addition, there is also the possibility to contact individual faculty members directly (via e-mail), if your ideas match with their respective research interests.

Please also refer to the Department of Marketing's specific guideline for bachelor’s thesis and the style sheet:

https://www.wu.ac.at/en/marketing/teaching/bachelor thesis


WU’s general information on writing your bachelor’s thesis can be found here.