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Department of Marketing

The Department of Marketing is a center of excellence in marketing education, marketing research, and marketing practice. In research, our goal is to create novel and practically relevant marketing insights at the highest level of quality. In teaching, we equip our students with practical marketing skills and tools that enable them to become constructive problem-​solvers. Within five distinct marketing specializations and an internationally esteemed Master of Science in Marketing program, the Department successfully prepares more than 500 students per year for national and international career paths. In teaching and research, the department actively seeks exchange and cooperation with business practice.

Gruppenfoto 2024

Green Challenge Weeks at WU 2024: Team “Profs” Won!

From May 06-17, the "Green Challenge Weeks" took place at WU (click here for the details). The main question was: Who is more sustainable? Team Students or Team Profs?

During the two weeks, Students and Profs were able to collect points for their teams by choosing a veggie/vegan menu at Counter 1 (1 menu = 1 point).

With over 4,000 people participating in the Green Challenge Weeks, the results are in: Team “Profs” won with 35% share of veggie/vegan meals against team “Students” with 23% share of veggie/vegan meals.

Additional insights and fun facts:

  1. The fresh start effect: It seems that people are more likely to eat veggie/vegan at the beginning of the week (i.e., on Mondays [Day 1 and Day 6] and Tuesdays [Day 2 and Day 7]); see overview figure above) than on any other day of the week.

  2. The Schnitzel effect: People are less likely to choose a veggie/vegan menu on Schnitzel days (see Day 3 and Day 8 respectively in the overview figure above). Is Schnitzel bad for the environment?

  3. Daily scores: Team “Profs” had higher veggie/vegan shares than Team “Students” on every day except the last two days (Day 9 and Day 10). On Day 9, there was a draw (29% vs. 29%). On day 10, Team “Students” (28%) scored higher than Team “Profs” (25%) - that calls for a revenge!

  4. Redeemed vouchers: Overall, approximately one third of all vouchers were redeemed for Team “Profs” and two thirds for Team “Students.”


We want to thank everyone who participated and are looking forward to a rematch next year!


The latest findings from our research

Schamp, C., Heitmann, M., Bijmolt, T. H. A., & Katzenstein, R. (2023): The Effectiveness of Cause-Related Marketing: A Meta-Analysis on Consumer Responses. Journal of Marketing Research60 (1), 189-215. (link)

Hartmann, J., Heitmann, M., Siebert, C. & Schamp, C., (2023): More than a Feeling: Accuracy and Application of Sentiment Analysis. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 40 (1), 75-87. (link)

Research Seminar Series

The "Research Seminar Series" helps our faculty get and stay in touch with outstanding international researchers in the field of marketing. Scholars from the world`s top universities are invited to present their research and to discuss current trends and developments in all major areas of marketing.

The Department of Marketing significantly contributes to the generation and dissemination of new marketing knowledge. This is reflected in numerous publications in the leading journals of our field. Our research generally follows the maxim of generating novel insights that combine academic rigor with practical relevance.
The Department of Marketing places a high emphasis on teaching excellence at all levels. We offer five distinct specializations at the Bachelor’s level, an own full-time Master of Marketing program, and contribute to the professional education at the WU Executive Academy in several ways.
Business Cooperation
Our expertise builds on our internationally recognized research activities to contemporary marketing topics and many years of experience in running successful projects with large national and international corporations, small and medium sized enterprises, and start-ups from diverse industries in the for- and nonprofit sector.