Institute for Marketing & Consumer ResearchRSS

mcore Team

Our focus is on the human being as consumer. Curiosity, reflection and respect guide all our actions.


[Translate to English:] SBWL Video

Want to study the SBWL Marketing and Consumer Research?

Our specialization Marketing and Consumer Research equips students with comprehensive knowledge on marketing and consumer research being essential for any position in marketing and related fields. In…

[Translate to English:] Im Fokus

"Im Fokus" - join in and get new insights

Our monthly research series "Im Fokus" explores recent questions relevant for research and practice. Learn interesting facts about online activities and climate change here and take part in our…

[Translate to English:] Christof Bitschnau

Kick-off Research Methods in Marketing

Kick-off for course 3 by Monika and Till. Practical relevance is also very important when it comes to research methods. Topics such as big data and AI are currently the subject of much discussion in…