
Consumer insights are among the most valuable resources of our times. Understanding human beings in their role as consumers is of utmost importance, from a managerial, societal and individual consumer perspective. A deep understanding of consumer behavior is a timeless asset and crucial for any position in a market-oriented business or organization. The specialization Marketing and Consumer Research provides students with a comprehensive training in this vital area.

Want to find out more about the specialization? Then watch this video!

Video Specialization Marketing and Consumer Research

Specialization Marketing and…



"I finished the Marketing and Consumer Research specialization in SS22 and can say that it was one of the best decisions during my studies to take this specialization. It did not only provide me with interesting and up to date marketing knowledge, but also gave me the chance to put my new learnings into practice while working on projects with companies like Henkel, WWF and Loop. What I especially liked is the diverse style of teaching at MCore. Next to inspiring lectures, I also had the chance to participate in a lot of group projects where we always received great support and feedback from our lecturers. Additionally, guest-lecturers as well as excursions to companies provided interesting insights from marketing practitioners and gave me an understanding about how working in marketing can be. Thanks to MCore I discovered my passion for marketing and now know that this is the field where I can see my future career. This is why I can only recommend you to take this specialization! If you want to expand your marketing knowledge and dive deeper into the field of consumer psychology, MCore is the perfect specialization for you!"

Nina Gaßner, BSc, mcore Student Ambassador 2024, Feel free to contact Nina:

Our specialization „Marketing and Consumer Research“ is also available in the BBE program.

The value of Marketing and Consumer Research - Your benefits

Students of Marketing and Consumer Research - Our expectations

After Marketing and Consumer Research – Your career perspectives