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Past S&O Student Club Events

Strategy& workshop - April 5th, 2019

Workshop bei strategy&

Since one of the main goals for the S&O student club is not just to connect students between the different cohorts, but also to help them connect with real companies and give them various opportunities to see different business fields, we thought the best company to start a partnership with, is Strategy&!

They are one of the most prestigious consulting firms all around the world and we are very proud to say, that our student club had the opportunity to learn how to structure and build consulting slides from the best. Knowing how to set up slides correctly is not only helping us as students to do well in our presentations at the WU, but more importantly in real life!

We thank Strategy& for having us and answering all of our questions and can not wait to work with you together next semester.

Felix (Cohort 2):
"The workshop on consulting slides with Strategy& has been an unique experience! We did not only have the opportunity to get to know consultants and their work in a very familiar setting but we also learned how to design and improve our skills in a practice-oriented way."

Karoline (Cohort 2):
"Designing slides became a lot more structured and I was able to gain new creative inspiration. We were able to ask so many questions, not only about creating awesome presentations, but also what working at Strategy& is like."

Merhawit (Cohort 1):
"The workshop at Strategy& was very interactive and gave us a deeper understanding of how consultants work. Especially, in terms of preparing consulting slides, I learned a lot about design principles which was really helpful for our SBWL project course."