Ausschnitt eines Glasdachs des LC Gebäude

Bachelor studies

SBWL Strategy & Organization

The Institute for Organization Design (IOD) offers the specialisation (SBWL) „Strategy & Organization“.

The SBWL „Strategy & Organization“ consists of five courses, which help students understand how organizations can be designed and re-designed to achieve their strategic objectives and succeed over time.

The specialization provides an integrative understanding of Strategic Organization Design by emphasizing how corporate strategy needs to be aligned with an organization’s structure, processes, people, and the environment in which it competes. Students learn and discuss how managers can actively influence these design parameters.
The SBWL equips students with profound knowledge of the central strategic and organizational challenges and enhances their ability to analyze and critically evaluate strategic decisions and organizational implications.


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Benefits of our SBWL:

  • Solid foundation for broad, international career prospects

  • Courses and projects at the intersection of strategy & organization

  • Continuous individual coaching by IOD team

  • Valuable practical experience through business project

  • Exclusive access to the “WU Leadership Conversations

  • Further events and networking with other cohorts organized by S&O Student Club

  • Analytical, problem-solving skills

  • Teamwork skills

  • Presentation & communication skills


Structure of the SBWL

Admission criteria

Application and Admission


Unanswered questions?

Please consult our SBWL FAQ, where we compiled the most frequent questions asked about the SBWL "Strategy & Organization":

SBWL "Strategy & organization" FAQ

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In addition, we supervise Bachelor Theses according to availability: