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Defensio Dissertationis by Everist Limaj


On Thursday, 14 January 2016, Everist Limaj will present his doctoral thesis entitled “The value of social information systems and the role of culture for absorptive capacity" at 11:00 am in D2.2.094 (Welthandelsplatz 1, Building D2/C, second floor; 1020 Vienna).

On Thursday, 14 January 2016, Everist Limaj will present his doctoral thesis entitled “The value of social information systems and the role of culture for absorptive capacity" at 11:00am in D2.2.094 (Welthandelsplatz 1, Building D2/C, second floor; 1020 Vienna). His first supervisor Edward Bernroider and members of the doctoral committee (Jyoti Choudrie, Alexander Kaiser, Roman Brandtweiner) will also take part. The presentation is open to the public. We welcome everyone who likes to join the presentation.

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