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Country Ambassador for ECIS 2016


Prof. Bernroider is serving as the Ambassador for Austria for the next edition of ECIS, Europe's most prestigeous Informations Systems conference. We therefore in particular invite our graduate students to be aware of the variety of topics offered in 2016 and perhaps consider participating or contributing to this event.

Prof. Bernroider is serving as the Ambassador for Austria for the next edition of ECIS, Europe's most prestigeous Informations Systems conference. We therefore in particular invite our graduate students to be aware of the variety of topics offered in 2016 and perhaps consider participating or contributing to this event. It takes place in İstanbul, Turkey on the campus of Boğaziçi University, hosted by its Department of Management Information Systems. The head of this Department is Prof. Koch, who is also available for questions as he is currently contributing to our SBWL "Information Management and Control" (SBWL Course 3).

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