Institut für Kommunikationsmanagement und Medien

Research Talk: "What Are Corporations For? Developing a Theory of the Firm for Communicative Capitalism."

12. Jänner 2022

The research talk "What Are Corporations For? Developing a Theory of the Firm for Communicative Capitalism." will be held by Pr. Tim Kuhn on Tuesday, January 18, at 6 p.m.

The research by Timothy Kuhn, who is department chair at the College of Media, Communication and Informationat the University of Colorado, Boulder,addresses the constitution of authority and agency in organizational practice, with particular attention to how knowledge, identities and conceptions of value emerge in sociomaterial and power-laden communication practices. Outside the University, he is an Associate Editor at the interdisciplinary journal Human Relations, a co-coordinator of the “Organization as Communication” Standing Working Group at the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS), and vice-chair of the organizational communication division of the International Communication Association. His research has been published in Academy of Management Review, The Academy of Management Annals, Organization, Organization Studies, Management Communication Quarterly, and Communication Monographs, among other outlets.

To cope with the present situation adequately, we will only allow 12 participants, with mandatory 2G+ and mask wearing during the talk. We would like to offer Prof. Kuhn at least a bit of a non-online audience, after his long trip from the United States to Vienna. For all those of you who do not get a spot, or cannot or do not want to participate in person, we will also stream the session. If you want to attend in person, please write an e-mail to until January 14.

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