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EIU Country Data

EIU Country Data / EIU Viewpoint Country Analysis wird vom Analyseunternehmen Economist Intelligence Unit herausgegeben und bietet makroökonomische Indikatoren und Prognosen. Die Datenbank eignet sich insbesondere zum Erheben längerer Zeitreihen makroökonomischer Daten für verschiedene Länder. Neben den statistischen Zeitreihen finden sich auch überblicksartige Länderberichte.

Sprache: Englisch
Zeitraum: ab 1980 mit einer Vorausschätzung von 5 Jahren, für mehr als 80 Länder Prognosen bis 2050
geographische Abdeckung: weltweit, über 200 Länder und 45 regionale Aggregate
Aktualisierung: monatlich bis quartalsweise für Länderberichte

Weitere Merkmale und Hilfestellungen

Hinweis: EIU Country Data mit Zeitreihen finden Sie auf der Startseite in der Hauptnavigation unter dem Menü "Data".

Rechts oben am Bildschirmrand ("Header") können weiterführende Informationen zur Methodik sowie FAQs abgerufen werden.

In der Fußzeile ("Footer") der Datenbank-Webseite sind Tutorials verlinkt, inklusive dem CountryData Tutorial.

Folgende AI-Regelungen sind bei der Nutzung zu beachten:

2.1 Permitted Uses.

2.1(A) Where the Permitted Purpose is "educational purposes":

2.1(A)(i) Authorized Users are permitted to print or download reasonable portions of the Licensed Products for this Permitted Purpose.

2.1(A)(ii) Authorized Users may, in the scope of their educational purpose, on an occasional and irregular basis provide insubstantial portions of the Licensed Products, or written output of any Permitted AI Research (as defined below), to other staff and students of the Client or in scholarly works and articles. The permitted insubstantial portions of the Licensed Products may only be made available to staff and students in print or by secure electronic means to a limited number of individuals. In all cases, the permitted insubstantial portions must include a copyright notice(s) (from EIU and/or the Publishers, as applicable) and an original source attribution, in each case, in the form of the following notice "(c) [relevant Publisher name]. [year of publication]. All rights reserved.";

2.1(A)(iii) Authorized Users may, in the scope of their educational purpose with the Client, use or apply machine learning and/or artificial intelligence tools, software or products (“AI Tools”) to the Licensed Products for the purpose of undertaking non-public research, training or teaching by or among Authorized Users (“Permitted AI Research”) only and provided that, unless agreed with EIU in writing via a separate licence:

(a) Permitted AI Research involving the development, improvement and/or training of any AI Tools (“AI Research Tools”) must be undertaken in a secure, ring-fenced environment such that any underlying third party AI Tools use are not developed, improved or trained using the Licensed Products (“Ring fenced Environment”);

(b) except as described in (a), Authorized Users must not ingest the Licensed Products in any third party AI Tools; and

(c) except as permitted in clause 2.1(A)(ii), Permitted AI Research and AI Research Tools (including related methodologies and code) shall not be shared or made available to the public or any non Authorized Users.

We offer additional and bespoke licences for AI use. If you would like to discuss these, please email us at licensing@eiu.com.