NPO-Institut (Verein)


Wir haben eine neue Le­se­emp­feh­lung: "Out­sour­cing in hu­ma­ni­ta­ri­an lo­gistics – sta­tus quo and fu­ture di­rec­tions" von Tim Goss­ler, Tina Wa­kol­bin­ger und Chris­ti­an Bur­kart


Pur­po­se - Out­sour­cing of lo­gistics has great im­por­tance in dis­as­ter re­li­ef. Aid agen­ci­es spend sever­al bil­li­on US dol­lars every year on lo­gistics ser­vices. How­e­ver, the con­cept of out­sour­cing has not been es­tab­lished ade­qua­te­ly in li­te­ra­tu­re on hu­ma­ni­ta­ri­an lo­gistics, lea­ding to a frag­men­ted view of the prac­ti­ce. This paper providesaholisticperspectiveoftheconceptbyconstructingaconceptual frame­workto­ana­ly­ze­bo­th­prac­ti­ce and re­se­arch of out­sour­cing in hu­ma­ni­ta­ri­an ope­ra­ti­ons. Based on this ana­ly­sis, we ex­plo­re fu­ture trends and iden­ti­fy re­se­arch gaps.

De­sign/me­tho­do­lo­gy/ap­proach – The paper is based on a struc­tu­red re­view of aca­de­mic li­te­ra­tu­re, a two­round Del­phi study with 31 ex­perts from aid agen­ci­es and a com­ple­men­ta­ry full-​day focus group with twel­ve ex­perts from aid agen­ci­es and lo­gistics ser­vice pro­vi­ders.

Fin­dings – The paper sys­temi­zes the cur­rent prac­ti­ce of out­sour­cing in hu­ma­ni­ta­ri­an lo­gistics ac­cording to a con­cep­tu­al­frame­wor­k­of­fi­vedi­men­si­ons:sub­ject,ob­ject,part­ner,de­si­gn­and­con­text.In­ad­di­ti­on,it­re­ve­als­ten pro­ba­ble de­ve­lo­p­ments of the prac­ti­ce over the next years. Fi­nal­ly, it de­scri­bes eight im­portant re­se­arch gaps and pres­ents a re­se­arch agen­da for the field.

Re­se­arch li­mi­ta­ti­ons/im­pli­ca­ti­ons – The li­te­ra­tu­re re­view con­side­red peer-​reviewed aca­de­mic pa­pers. Prac­ti­tio­ner pa­pers could pro­vi­de ad­di­tio­nal in­sights into the prac­ti­ce. Mo­reo­ver, the Del­phi study fo­cu­sed on the per­spec­ti­ve of aid agen­ci­es. Cap­tu­ring the views of lo­gistics ser­vice pro­vi­ders in more de­tail would be a va­lu­a­ble ad­di­ti­on.

Ori­gi­na­li­ty/value – The paper es­tab­lishes the aca­de­mic basis for the im­portant prac­ti­ce of out­sour­cing in hu­ma­ni­ta­ri­an­lo­gistics.

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Goss­ler, T., Wa­kol­bin­ger, T. and Bur­kart, C. (2020), "Out­sour­cing in hu­ma­ni­ta­ri­an lo­gistics – sta­tus quo and fu­ture di­rec­tions", In­ter­na­tio­nal Jour­nal of Phy­si­cal Dis­tri­bu­ti­on & Lo­gistics Ma­nage­ment, Vol. 50 No. 4, pp. 403-​438. )  DOI:​12-2018-0400