Blick in das LC Gebäude

Research Talk by Xueming Luo, Temple University, Philadelphia (US)

09. November 2017

Xueming Luo from Fox School of Busi­ness at Temp­le Uni­ver­si­ty in Phil­adel­phia held a talk about tar­ge­ted and re­tar­ge­ted mo­bi­le pro­mo­ti­ons in the cour­se of our De­part­ment’s Re­se­arch Se­mi­nar Se­ries. The study he pre­sen­ted in­te­gra­ted ran­do­mi­zed field ex­pe­ri­men­tal de­signs with hier­ar­chi­cal Baye­si­an esti­ma­ti­ons to iden­ti­fy cau­sal ef­fects of mo­bi­le tar­ge­ting and re­tar­ge­ting. Fur­ther, a cau­sal ran­dom fo­rest with ho­nest trees, struc­tu­ral hid­den mar­kov model, and dy­na­mic tra­jec­to­ry mo­de­ling ap­proach was used to de­tect in­di­vi­du­al he­te­ro­gen­ei­ty in the cau­sal ef­fects. Using op­ti­miza­ti­on lear­ning aug­men­ted with ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence al­go­rithms the re­sults of the study show how in­di­vi­dua­li­zed ad­ver­ti­sing and pro­mo­ti­on of­fers lead to ma­xi­mi­zed re­turns and op­ti­mal pro­mo­ti­on bud­get spen­ding.

We thank Xueming for his visit, and the in­spi­ring talk and dis­cus­sions. For in­for­ma­ti­on on the up­co­ming guest spea­kers at the Re­se­arch Se­mi­nar Se­ries, plea­se check the <link mar­ke­ting in­ter­na­tio­nal research-​seminar-series>agen­da.

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