Blick in das LC Gebäude

Dr. Markus Plankensteiner, TT Control on Complex B2B Selling in an International High-Tech Environment

21. Mai 2024

On May 14, 2024, we hosted on WU cam­pus, Dr. Mar­kus Plan­ken­stei­ner, VP Sales and Mar­ke­ting at TT Con­trol, who shared va­lu­a­ble in­sights on com­plex and high-​tech-driven B2B sel­ling wit­hin the cour­se 5483 Per­so­nal Sel­ling and Sales Ma­nage­ment in the Glo­bal Con­text led by Dr. Zoran La­ti­no­vic. Our Ba­che­lor stu­dents en­ga­ged in some me­a­ning­ful con­ver­sa­ti­ons with Mar­kus. Mar­kus em­pha­si­zed con­nec­ting mar­kets to so­lu­ti­ons, spe­ci­fic mar­ket trends, and va­rious ap­p­li­ca­ti­on fields for a high-​tech en­vi­ron­ment. He high­ligh­ted the im­por­tance of long sel­ling cy­cles and team-​based decision-​making wit­hin buy­ing and sel­ling cen­ters. Mo­reo­ver, he ad­dres­sed the par­ti­cu­la­ri­ty and com­ple­xi­ty of win­ning a pro­ject and in­cen­ti­vi­zing based on aver­age an­nu­al con­tract va­lues.

Dr. Plan­ken­stei­ner has a solid tech­ni­cal back­ground with re­se­arch and de­ve­lo­p­ment po­si­ti­ons at Sie­mens Me­di­cal, En­vi­ron­men­tal Agen­cy Aus­tria, CERN (Eu­ropean Coun­cil for Nu­cle­ar Re­se­arch) in Ge­ne­va/Switz­er­land, and IBM Re­se­arch Labs in Aus­tria and Ger­ma­ny. He then had lea­ding pro­duct ma­nage­ment, pro­duct mar­ke­ting, and mar­ke­ting roles in sever­al Aus­tri­an star­tups, in­clu­ding one that ma­na­ged an IPO. Mar­kus joi­ned TT­Tech, an Aus­tri­an high-​tech com­pa­ny with over 2300 em­ployees today, as Head of Mar­ke­ting when the com­pa­ny had about 20 em­ployees. He stay­ed at TT­Tech for around 20 years, foun­ded a busi­ness unit fo­cu­sing on in­dus­try and au­to­ma­ti­on and in­itia­ted stan­dar­diza­ti­on ac­ti­vi­ties for Ether­net tech­no­lo­gies at SAE and IEEE with com­pa­nies such as Ho­ney­well and Cisco. Mar­kus then moved on to a Ger­man com­pa­ny that pro­vi­des par­king ma­nage­ment sys­tems, with busi­ness de­ve­lo­p­ment and sales re­spon­si­bi­li­ty for North and South Ame­ri­ca. Af­ter­wards, he was a foun­ding mem­ber of a start­up that of­fers food pro­duct eva­lua­ti­on. Since 2020, Mar­kus has been VP Sales and Mar­ke­ting at TT­Con­trol, a com­pa­ny fo­cu­sing on mo­bi­le ma­chi­ne con­trols and a joint ven­ture bet­ween TT­Tech Group and HYDAC, a Ger­man pro­vi­der of hy­drau­lics, sys­tems, and fluid tech­no­lo­gy. Mar­kus has a mas­ter's de­gree and a doc­to­ra­te in ma­the­ma­tics (both with dis­tinc­tion), a mas­ter's de­gree in busi­ness in­for­ma­ti­on sys­tems, a mas­ter's de­gree in com­pu­ter sci­ence, and uni­ver­si­ty di­plo­mas in data sys­tems en­gi­nee­ring and po­li­ti­cal sci­ence.

We are in­credi­b­ly gra­te­ful to Mar­kus for his visit. The im­pres­si­on that local exe­cu­ti­ve lea­ders leave on our stu­dents is in­dis­pensable.

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