News Archiv MCORERSS

October 6th 2022 – Marketing Research Seminar Series

For our department's first Research Seminar talk of this semester, we had the pleasure of welcoming Prof. Michael Haenlein from ESCP Business School. He presented his work on “The Merchants of Meta:…

New paper in Journal of Consumer Behaviour by Barbara Hartl

Together with Sarah Marth and Elfriede Penz, Barbara Hartl published a paper entitled: ‘Sharing on platforms: Reducing perceived risk for peer-to-peer platform consumers through trust-building and…

Semester Opening

The m.core-team started off the new semester by welcoming the newly admitted students. Dr. Kamleitner and Dr. Monika Koller congratulated the new cohort. The students had the opportunity to get to…

A big welcome to Moritz Sedlatschek

Welcome at the institute! Moritz Sedlatschek assists our team as a research assistant since September. We are looking forward to a good collaboration in advance!

A big welcome to Burcak Bas

A big welcome to our latest addition to the team. Burcak Bas is our new Assistant Professor at the institute. She joined us after her PhD at Bocconi University. We are very happy to have her!

New paper in Frontiers in Psychology by Monika Koller

Together with Isabella Rinklin, Marco Hubert und Peter Kenning, Monika Koller published a paper entitled: Visual Attention to Novel Products – Cross-Cultural Insights From Physiological Data in…

"Im Fokus" - join in and get new insights

Our monthly research series "Im Fokus" explores recent questions relevant for research and practice. Learn interesting facts about apps and personal data here and take part in our currently running…

Registration starts soon!

Registration (eVVZ) for the course “Access to Specialization: Marketing and Consumer Research“ is open from August 24th, 14:00 until August 28th, 2022. After a successful registration the application…

"Im Fokus" - join in and get new insights

Our monthly research series "Im Fokus" explores recent questions relevant for research and practice. Learn interesting facts about vacation planning here and take part in our currently running survey:…

Best Poster Award

Renato Régis presented and won the Best Poster Award at the ISTR conference in Montreal! His research is about how non-profit organizations thank donors. If you want to see the poster follow this…