News Archiv MCORERSS

New paper in Journal of Economic Psychology by Barbara Hartl

Together with Jane Frecknall-Hughes, Katharina Gangl, Eva Hofmann, and Erich Kirchler, Barbara Hartl published a paper entitled: ‘The influence of tax authorities on the employment of tax…

Marketing Research Seminar Series - Eric Schwartz

As our latest guest for our Research Seminar Series we welcomed Eric Schwartz from the University of Michigan. He shared his recent work on A-B testing in online advertising experiments. To test user…

Marketing Insights - Excursion to Henkel

On Wednesday we had a great workshop together with Henkel CEE GmbH in our course 5 “Marketing Insights”, full of interesting presentations and insights into marketing practices, including a tour of…

Marketing Research Seminar Series - Kelly D. Martin

We were honored to welcome Dr. Kelly D. Martin from Colorado State University as our second guest in the Research Seminar Series. Her presentation shed light on the role of customer data privacy as a…

Happy Easter

We wish you all a happy and relaxing Easter break!

Marketing 360° - Conference Days

March 24 and 25 were intense days for our 4th term master students. Monika Koller and Eva Marckhgott held the Marketing 360° Conference Days and invited exciting guest speakers to the campus to…

March 17th 2023 – Marketing Research Seminar Series

Dr. Vanessa Patrick-Ralhan from University of Houston (US) was the first guest in our department's Research Seminar Series this semester. She presented her work on Inclusive Design Transformation. …

Marketing Insights - excursion to Liliputbahn

Last Wednesday, we had the opportunity to get insights into the marketing of “Lilis Welt” in our Course 5 and enjoyed a ride with the Liliputbahn, which is celebrating 95th anniversary this year! It…

Marketing Research Methods - Christof Bitschnau from Quantics

AI applications such as ChatGPT are all across the media and extremely fashionable these days. In our course 3 “Marketing Research Methods”, we discussed potential AI applications in marketing…

"Im Fokus" - join in and get new insights

Our monthly research series "Im Fokus" explores recent questions relevant for research and practice. Learn interesting facts about sharing products here and take part in our currently running survey: …