News Archiv MCORERSS

"Im Fokus" - join in and get new insights

Our monthly research series "Im Fokus" explores recent questions relevant for research and practice. Learn interesting facts about leisure activities in winter here and take part in our currently…

We are hiring: open position at Teaching and Research Associate (prae doc) level!

We are looking for support at Teaching and Research Associate (prae doc) level (30 hours per week). For further information regarding the position and the application process, please refer to our job…

Defensio Dissertationis of Renato Regis

In his dissertation, Renato Regis dealt with the topic of expressing gratitude. He investigated the effects that thanking intensely has on its receivers across different context, such as charitable…

SBWL Messe

Monika Koller presented our SBWL at ÖH’s SBWL-Messe. We are already looking forward to your applications for the summer semester 2023. Further information about our specialization can be found on our…

November 10th 2022 – Marketing Research Seminar Series

As part of our department's Research Seminar series, we had the pleasure of welcoming Dr. Anne Klesse from the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University Rotterdam. As part of her work…

Marketing Insights with Henkel

In our "Marketing Insights" course 5 we had a workshop together with Henkel CEE GmbH. This term the students worked on different case studies centered around the topics of laundry, dishwashing,…

Ars Docendi 2022 nominees Monika Koller and Eva Marckhgott now featured in “Atlas der guten Lehre”

Monika Koller and Eva Marckhgott were nominated for the "Ars Docendi 2022 – Staatspreis für exzellente Lehre” with their course “Marketing Insights”. Now, their course concept was selected to be…

"Im Fokus" - join in and get new insights

Our monthly research series "Im Fokus" explores recent questions relevant for research and practice. Learn interesting facts about local food here and take part in our currently running survey: What…

October 20th 2022 – Marketing Research Seminar Series

Prof. Ayelet Israeli from Harvard University (US) was our second guest in the Research Seminar Series this semester. She presented her work on “BEAT Unintended Bias in Personalized Policies”. …

New paper in Journal of Economic Psychology by Barbara Hartl

Together with Eva Hofmann, Erik Hölzl, Thomas Sabitzer, Sarah Marth, and Elfriede Penz, Barbara Hartl published a paper entitled: ‘Coercive and legitimate power in the sharing economy: Examining…