News Archiv MCORERSS

Marketing Insights with Henkel

On Thursday, we had our workshop together with Henkel CEE GmbH in course 5. This term, we worked on a case study centered around the brand Persil. It was a great afternoon, full of interesting…

Consumer Neuroscience and Brand Co-Creation: New book chapter published by Monika Koller

Together with her co-author Peter Walla, Monika Koller discusses the role of methods from consumer neuroscience in understanding phenomena of brand co-creation in the chapter Alternative methods to…

Big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning

What do these buzzwords mean and how do they integrate into research methods in marketing? We discussed these and further questions with Christof Bitschnau, Founder and CEO of Quantics, in our course…

Meins wird deins - First It’s Mine, Then It’s Yours

We kindly invite you to join us at WU matters. WU talks. on March 30th, 2022. Under the headline “Meins wird Deins”, Prof. Bernadette Kamleitner together with Silvia Dellantonio (General Manager at…

Invitation: opening of our POP-collection

We are very pleased to proudly present our newly opened POP (Possession, Ownership, Property)- collection at the WU Library. Seize the opportunity to be guided through our collection on March 30th,…

Marketing insights - Susanne Vockenhuber from Louis Vuitton Wien

Susanne Vockenhuber, Store Director at Louis Vuitton Wien, visited our course 5. She talked about luxury retail in times of a global pandemic and gave us background information on the brand Louis…

Semester Opening

The m.core-team started off the new semester by welcoming the newly admitted students. Dr. Monika Koller congratulated the new cohort. The students had the opportunity to get to know the institute's…

Welcome to the summer term 2022

Last week we already kicked-off our Course 5 Marketing Insights. Our students will have plenty of opportunities to get in touch with real world marketing insights throughout the term. For starters,…

Happy Semester Break!

As another successful semester has come to an end, we wish you all relaxing days. We hope you have the opportunity to recharge and look forward to seeing you again in the summer semester 2022!

Final presentations in course 4

On Wednesday it was time for the final presentations in our course 4 “Marketing and Consumer Research Project”. Throughout the entire semester, our students worked on a real life project together with…