News Archiv MCORERSS

"Im Fokus" - join in and get new insights

Our monthly research series "Im Fokus" explores recent questions relevant for research and practice. Learn interesting facts about drinking on the go here and take part in our currently running…

Semester Closing

After an exciting and intense academic year, m.core held the traditional Semester Closing. The participants of course 4 from the winter and summer semester received a certificate for their great…

Nominated for the national award Ars Docendi

“Ars Docendi – Staatspreis für exzellente Lehre” is the Austrian national award for excellent teaching at universities. We are very proud that for the first time in the 10 year history of the award,…

"Im Fokus" - join in and get new insights

Our monthly research series "Im Fokus" explores recent questions relevant for research and practice. Learn interesting facts about the war in Ukraine and its impact on Austria here and take part in…

Marketing Insights - field trip to LOOP

On Friday, our bachelor students in course 5 participated in a field trip to Agentur Loop. At their Viennese office centered in the heart of the first district, CEO Michael John gave us insights into…

We are hiring: open position at Assistant Professor level!

You care about consumer research from both a company and societal perspective? You want to satisfy your intellectual curiosity and deepen your research skills while developing your teaching…

Marketing Insights - Julia Pernt from Winkelbauer

This week we had Julia Pernt, Senior Brand Manager at Winkelbauer, as a guest in our Marketing Insights course. Based upon insights on the brand Wild Bill, we discussed elements of a social media…

"Im Fokus" - join in and get new insights

Our monthly research series "Im Fokus" explores recent questions relevant for research and practice. Learn interesting facts about the origin of food here and take part in our currently running…

Marketing and Society Interface

In their course „Marketing and Society Interface” in the MSc Marketing program, Monika Koller and Eva Marckhgott cover various touchpoints between companies and society. In last week’s sessions, they…