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Prämierungen für besondere Forschungsleistungen

16. Juni 2016

Das Department für Marketing verzeichnet eine außergewöhnlich gute Forschungsperformance. Dies spiegelt sich auch in der Vielzahl an Prämierungen im Rahmen der WU Awards wider.

NameZitatJournalranking (A+/A)
Univ.Prof. Dr. Martin SchreierFuchs, Christoph, Schreier, Martin, von Osselaer, Stijn M. 2015. The Handmade Effect: What's Love Got to Do with It? Journal of Marketing 79(3): 98-110.A+
Univ.Prof. Dr. Martin SchreierDahl, Darren, Fuchs, Christoph, Schreier, Martin. 2015. Why and when consumers prefer products of user-driven firms: A social identification account. Management Science 61 (August): 1978-1988.A+
Dipl.Kfm. Dr. Nils WlömertWlömert, Nils, Papies, Dominik. 2016. On-demand streaming services and music industry revenues - insights from Spotify's market entry. International Journal of Research in Marketing, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijresmar.2015.11.002.A+
Univ.Prof. Dr. Thomas ReuttererPlatzer, Michael, Reutterer, Thomas. 2016. Ticking away the moments: timing regularity helps to better predict customer activity. Marketing Science, DOI: 10.1287/mksc.2015.0963.A+
ao.Univ.Prof. Dr. Elfriede PenzStöttinger, Barbara, Penz, Elfriede. 2015. Concurrent Ownership of Brands and Counterfeits: Conceptualization and Temporal Transformation from a Consumer Perspective. Psychology & Marketing 32(4): 373-391.A
ao.Univ.Prof. Dr. Barbara StöttingerStöttinger, Barbara, Penz, Elfriede. 2015. Concurrent Ownership of Brands and Counterfeits: Conceptualization and Temporal Transformation from a Consumer Perspective. Psychology & Marketing 32(4): 373-391.A
o.Univ.Prof. Dr. Bodo B. Schlegelmilch Ph.D., D.Litt., Ph.D. (hon)Gruber, Verena, Kaliauer, Magdalena, Schlegelmilch, Bodo B. 2015. Improving the effectiveness and credibility of corporate social-responsibility messaging. Journal of Advertising Research, DOI: 10.2501/JAR-2015-000.A
Dr. Verena GruberGruber, Verena, Kaliauer, Magdalena, Schlegelmilch, Bodo B. 2015. Improving the effectiveness and credibility of corporate social-responsibility messaging. Journal of Advertising Research, DOI: 10.2501/JAR-2015-000.A
Dr. Christina HolwegGruber, Verena, Holweg, Christina, Teller, Christoph. 2015. What a waste! Exploring the human reality of food waste from a store manager's perspective. Journal of Public Policy Marketing, DOI: 10.1509/jppm.14.095.A

Prämien für das Einwerben von Drittmitteln:

Dr. Verena GruberThe Evolution of Altruism and Volunteer WorkJubiläumsfonds der Stadt Wien
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