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Research Talk by Christopher Hsee (University of Chicago)

Chris Hsee opened this semester’s Research Seminar Series on the topic of “Curiosity, and Its Implications for Psychology, Economics, and Marketing”. Curiosity is a fundamental human desire, yet…

Research Talk by Michael Trusov (University of Maryland)

Many thanks to Michael Trusov (Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland) for sharing his latest research on the question of what predicts a firm’s visibility on search engine results…

Research Talk by Priya Raghubir (NYU Stern)

Priya Raghubir (New York University Stern, US) is a leading scholar in consumer research, in particular in the fields of psychological aspects of money, risk perceptions and visual information…

Harvard - Case Method Teaching Seminar

Am 2. Dezember 2016 fand durch Initiative von Dr. Margit Kastner, Department für Marketing, erstmals ein Harvard Business Publishing Case Method Teaching Seminar an der WU statt. Die insgesamt…

Research Talk by Barak Libai (IDC, Herzliya)

Barak Libai from the  Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya (ISR) presented his work in progress titled “The Role of Popularity in New Product Growth”. In their work the authors challenge our…

Es ist eine kleine "Stadt in der Stadt": Die neue WU beim Prater

Zu Besuch am WU-Campus ging das ORF-Format Wien Heute vergangene Woche der Frage nach: Wie entwickelt sich das „Grätzel WU“ und wie wird das alltägliche Miteinander am Campus wahrgenommen? Dabei…

Research Talk by Bas Donkers

Bas Donkers from the Erasmus School of Economics in Rotterdam visited us. Prof. Donkers presented his research on “Model-Based Purchase Predictions for Large Assortments”. In this paper the authors…

Research Talk by Els Gijsbrechts (Tilburg University)

Els Gijsbrechts (Tilburg University, NL) has opened this semester’s Research Seminar Series with her talk on “Navigating the Last Mile in Grocery Shopping: The Click and Collect Format”. In her talk,…

Research Seminar: P. Manchanda on Player Retention in Online Video Games

Last but not least Puneet Manchanda from the University of Michigan held this semester's last research seminar.

Research Seminar: Derek D. Rucker on Psychological Power and Consumer Behavior

It was a pleasure for the Department to welcome Derek D. Rucker of the Northwestern University on June 10th for another remarkable research seminar.