Ausschnitt eines Glasdachs des LC Gebäude

In­ter­na­tio­na­le Wis­sen­schaft­ler im Be­reich Stra­te­gy & Or­ga­niza­ti­on dis­ku­tie­ren re­gel­mä­ßig ihre For­schung in un­se­rem IOD-​Forschungsseminar:

Research visit of Dr. Katharina Fellnhofer

31. Oktober 2023

The IOD Team had a fan­tastic time hos­ting Ka­tha­ri­na Felln­ho­fer, a Marie Curie Fel­low at ETH Zü­rich, for a visit that was as en­ligh­te­n­ing as it was en­joya­ble.

Your cap­ti­va­ting re­se­arch on in­tui­ti­on and its dy­na­mic in­ter­play on lea­der­ship and or­ga­niza­tio­nal decision-​making will be high­ly va­lu­a­ble for in­crea­sing this skill set for fu­ture lea­ders. Thank you again for sharing your va­lu­a­ble in­sights and time with us.

We also great­ly en­joy­ed the live­ly dis­cus­sion about ex­pe­ri­men­tal de­sign and de­ve­lo­p­ment, which quick­ly gains mul­ti­ple lay­ers of com­ple­xi­ty. This sounds like a fa­sci­na­ting pro­ject. We wishi you con­ti­nu­ed suc­cess as your re­se­arch pro­gres­ses!

Wei­te­re Gäste des IOD fin­den sie auf der Seite des Fe­ma­le Scholar pro­gram:

WU Fe­ma­le Scholar Pro­gram