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IOD Research SeminarRSS

Internationale Wissenschaftler im Bereich Strategy & Organization diskutieren regelmäßig ihre Forschung in unserem IOD-Forschungsseminar:

Yan Anthea Zhang

Prof. Yan "Anthea" Zhang visited us at IOD

This week, Prof. Zhang visited us at the IOD. Dr. Yan “Anthea” Zhang is the Fayez Sarofim Vanguard Chair Professor of Strategy in the Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University. She is the…

DokSem Passau

Doktorandenseminar in Passau

Anfang Dezember hatte das IOD zwei bereichernde und informative Tage auf dem Doktorandenseminar an der Universität Passau. Vielen Dank an Prof. Carolin Häussler und Prof. Andreas König für die…

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A visit by Prof. Caterina Moschieri

We were delighted to have Prof. Caterina Moschieri as a speaker for the Female Scholar Program.

Christine Shropshire

Prof. Christine Shropshire at the IOD

Recently, Prof. Christine Shropshire from W. P. Carey School of Business – Arizona State University visited us at the IOD

Katharina Fellnhofer

Research visit of Dr. Katharina Fellnhofer

The IOD Team had a fantastic time hosting Katharina Fellnhofer, a Marie Curie Fellow at ETH Zürich, for a visit that was as enlightening as it was enjoyable.

Thomas Fischer

Research visit of Prof. Thomas Fischer

We were pleased to host Prof. Thomas Fischer, Associate Professor of Responsible Leadership at the Université de Genève.

Claudia Jonczyk visited us

Prof. Claudia Jonczyk auf Besuch am IOD

Letzte Woche besuchte uns Prof. Jonczyk von der University of Neuchâtel in der Schweiz.

Prof. Andreas Richter und das IOD Team

Prof. Andreas Richter hat uns am IOD besucht

Vom 17. bis 19. Oktober 2022 besuchte uns Prof. Andreas Richter von der Cambridge Judge Business School, Cambridge University, beim IOD.


Prof. Stevo Pavićević visited us!

This week we had the pleasure of hosting Stevo Pavićević, Assistant Professor at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. Stevo presented his research on "A Dyadic Interactionist Perspective on…

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Raisch

Research talk with Prof. Dr. Sebastian Raisch

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Raisch, University of Geneva Prof. Raisch visited the IOD Mid-January and held a research talk about "Augmentation: A Relational View of Humans and Machines in Organizations".…

Weitere Gäste des IOD finden sie auf der Seite des Female Scholar program:

WU Female Scholar Program