Ausschnitt eines Glasdachs des LC Gebäude

Internationale Wissenschaftler im Bereich Strategy & Organization diskutieren regelmäßig ihre Forschung in unserem IOD-Forschungsseminar:

Eindrücke vom Research Seminar mit Prof. Lavie (Bocconi University)

24. April 2018

Prof. Dovev Lavie, Bocconi University 

Prof. Lavie visited the IOD in April 2018. He held a research seminar with the title "What drives exploration? Convergence of exploration tendencies among alliance partners and competitors". Additionally, Prof. Lavie worked on a joint research project with Prof. Klarner and discussed academic career-related questions with the IOD PhD-students.

Weitere Gäste des IOD finden sie auf der Seite des Female Scholar program:

WU Female Scholar Program