Ausschnitt eines Glasdachs des LC Gebäude


Caterina Moschieri

FSP event with Caterina Moschieri

We were delighted to have Prof. Caterina Moschieri as a speaker for the Female Scholar Program. Caterina Moschieri is an Associate Professor (tenured) at IE Business School in Madrid. Her teaching…

Christine Shropshire

FSP event with Christine Shropshire

In November we had the pleasure of hosting a Female Scholar Program event with Prof. Christine Shropshire. Christine Shropshire is Associate Professor of Management & Entrepreneurship in the W. P.…

Christine Shropshire

Prof. Christine Shropshire at the IOD

Recently, Prof. Christine Shropshire from W. P. Carey School of Business – Arizona State University visited us at the IOD

Maximilian Weis

Dr. Maximilian Weis erhält Stephan Koren-Preis 2023 der WU Wien für seine Dissertation!

Unser ehemaliger IOD-Doktorand Dr. Maximilian Weis, der inzwischen als Assistenzprofessor für Strategisches Management an der ESCP Berlin tätig ist, wurde mit dem Stephan Koren-Preis 2023…

Katharina Fellnhofer

Research visit of Dr. Katharina Fellnhofer

The IOD Team had a fantastic time hosting Katharina Fellnhofer, a Marie Curie Fellow at ETH Zürich, for a visit that was as enlightening as it was enjoyable.

Andreas Brandstetter

WU Leadership Conversations mit Dr. Andreas Brandstetter

Kürzlich durften wir Dr. Andreas Brandstetter, CEO der UNIQA Insurance Group AG, im Rahmen unserer WU Leadership Conversations willkommen heißen.

Thomas Fischer

Research visit of Prof. Thomas Fischer

We were pleased to host Prof. Thomas Fischer, Associate Professor of Responsible Leadership at the Université de Genève.

Claudia Jonczyk visited us

Prof. Claudia Jonczyk auf Besuch am IOD

Letzte Woche besuchte uns Prof. Jonczyk von der University of Neuchâtel in der Schweiz.

Claudia Jonczyk

FSP event with Claudia Jonczyk

Prof. Claudia Jonczyk opened this semester's Female Scholar program with a delightful Morning Talk on networking, gender and international careers. Claudia Jonczyk holds the Chair of Strategic…


Herzlich Willkommen im Wintersemester 2023/24!

Liebe Studierende, der Herbst ist da und das Wintersemester 2023/2024 beginnt! Wir wünschen allen ein erfolgreiches Semester und freuen uns darauf, mit Euch zusammenzuarbeiten! Das IOD Team