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Einladung zum Webinar "Agility in a Discordant World"

Herzliche Einladung zum Webinar "Agility in a Discordant World" am 17. Mai 2021 um 11:00 Uhr! Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme!

Susann Fiedler

FSP webinar with Susann Fiedler

In November 2020 we had an interesting talk withDr. Susann Fiedler, Head of the Research group on Cognitive Processes Underlying Economic Decision Making (funded by the Max Planck Society and the…

Prof. Sucheta Nadkarni

In Gedenken an Prof. Sucheta Nadkarni (Text auf Englisch)

We deeply mourn the loss of Professor Sucheta Nadkarni who died in October 2019. Prof. Nadkarni was a close collaborator in our research projects, and strong supporter of the Female Scholar Program,…

Tina Ambos

FSP webinar with Tina C. Ambos

We started the Winter semester with an exciting webinar with Prof. Tina C. Ambos (University of Geneva) who shared her experience with managing international academic careers. Tina C. Ambos is…

Prof. Devers

FSP webinar with Cynthia Devers

At the end of a great September, we had an interesting afternoon talk with Prof. Cynthia Devers, associate department head at the Texas A&M University. Cynthia Devers talked about two very important…

Prof. Petriglieri

FSP webinar with Jennifer Petriglieri

We kicked off the summer holidays hosting an exciting webinar with Prof. Jennifer Petriglieri. Jennifer Petriglieri is an Associate Professor of organizational behaviour at INSEAD, where she directs…

Prof. Gerpott

FSP webinar with Fabiola Gerpott

Even Covid-19 cannot stop female scholars from connecting and supporting each other. Hence we welcomed Prof. Fabiola Gerpott for our first webinar. Prof. Fabiola Gerpott is a Full Professor and Chair…


Einladung zum Webinar "The Role of Data Analytics in Strategy & Organization Design"

Wir freuen uns auf das Webinar "The Role of Data Analytics in Strategy & Organization Design"!


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Prof. Dr. Sebastian Raisch

Research talk with Prof. Dr. Sebastian Raisch

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Raisch, University of Geneva Prof. Raisch visited the IOD Mid-January and held a research talk about "Augmentation: A Relational View of Humans and Machines in Organizations".…