Ausschnitt eines Glasdachs des LC Gebäude


Prof. Toni Whited

FSP event with Toni Whited

At the „Afternoon Tea Chat“ Prof. Whited answered junior female scholar's questions and gave many interesting insights into her academic career. She discussed how she had to deal with challenges in…


Prof. Klarner bei WU matters

WU matters. WU talks. event on “Managing fast and slow: Strategic change in times of uncertainty”

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Prof. Klarner bei WU matters

Am 13. März 2018 sprach Prof. Klarner auf der WU matters.WU talks zum Thema „Managing Fast and Slow: Strategischer Wandel in Zeiten der Unsicherheit“. Sie diskutierte wichtige Erkenntnisse aus ihrer…

Prof. Sucheta Nadkarni

FSP kick-off event with Prof. Sucheta Nadkarni

On January 24, 2018, we had our FSP kick-off event. WU Rector Prof. Hanappi-Egger welcomed our participants, followed by an introduction by Prof. Klarner. Afterwards, Prof. Nadkarni (Cambridge Judge…

Prof. Theresa Treffers

Research visit Prof. Theresa Treffers

Prof. Theresa Treffers, TU Munich & Seeburg Castle University Prof. Treffers visited the IOD in November 2017 to work on a joint research project with Prof. Klarner. She also shared her insights on…

Prof. Ivanka Visnjic

Research visit Prof. Ivanka Visnjic

Prof. Ivanka Visnjic, ESADE Business School Prof. Visnjic visited the IOD in November 2017 to work on a joint research project with Prof. Klarner. She also shared her insights on academic career…