CSBA directors present multiple papers at ICIS 2022

Location: Starting on 09 January 2023 at 12:16

CSBA directors Margeret Hall and Christian Haas participated in the latest International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2022), from December 10 to December 14, 2022, in Copenhagen

With two papers, three TREOS (Technology, Research, Education, and Opinion talks), and a workshop, CSBA directors Margeret Hall and Christian Haas and several Strategy and Innovation doctoral candidates participated in the latest International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2022), from December 10 to December 14, 2022, in Copenhagen, Denmark.

As the top-ranked conference in information systems, ICIS 2022 was a great outlet to showcase the state-of-the-art research being conducted at the CSBA.

List of presented papers and talks:

"A Research Agenda to Understand Drivers of Digital Gullibility". Margeret Hall, Christian Haas

"Towards Learning at Scale for Everybody: Applying Action Research to Design an Upskilling Platform for Marginalized Adults". Margeret Hall, Alexandra Pavlakis and Michelle Friend.

"What You Think You Know About COBOL is Probably Wrong: Making Tech Stack Decisions When the State of the Art is a Septuagenarian". TREO with Margeret Hall, Misty Decker, Cameron Seay and Derek Britton.

"Gullible by cuelessness: Operationalizing deception in information systems communication". TREO with Margeret Hall and Dejan Tatic.

"Addressing Biases in Text Classification". TREO talk with Dieter Gutschi, Margeret Hall, Christian Haas and Patricia Klarner.

"Factors for Assessing Prospective Doctoral Applicant Readiness". SIGED workshop with Margeret Hall and Ryan Schuetzler.


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