[Translate to English:] Wirtschaftsinformatik und Gesellschaft

Joshua Roe

Profil Roe

Research Assistant

  • E-mail: joshua.roe [at] wu.ac.at

  • Consultation hour: by appointment


Joshua Roe is a research assistant at the Institute for Information Systems and Society at WU Vienna, where he focuses on the intersection of technology, ethics, and philosophy.

Joshua completed (pending publication) his doctorate at the University of Freiburg, specialising on the thought of FWJ Schelling. He holds a Master's degree in European Studies from KU Leuven, where his thesis explored Jacques Delors and personalism. He also earned a Master's in Theology from the University of Oxford, focusing on the influence of Duns Scotus on Heidegger. His academic journey began with a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy and Theology from the University of Wales Trinity St David University.

In addition to his academic pursuits, Joshua has practical experience in media production with the Edith Stein Gesellschaft Österreich. He also has hands-on experience with ERP systems across various engineering companies, providing him with a unique perspective on the practical applications of technology in society.

Current Role

  • Outreach: Engaging the public through multimedia platforms to share research findings.

  • Surveying Posthumanism: Investigating the societal impacts and philosophical & historical background of trans- and posthumanism.

Research Interests

  • Philosophical Perspectives on Technology

  • Ethical dimensions of Technology in Society

  • Theological Approaches to Technology


Roe, Joshua, 'Hamann and the Parody of Progress', in Progress in Origen and the Origenian Tradition, ed. by Anders-Christian Jacobsen, Gaetano Lettieri, and Maria Fallica (Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, 2023), pp. 235–52 https://doi.org/10.3726/b20250.
Roe, Joshua, and Møller, Morten Koch, '"Luther demolished the roofs of Babylon, Calvin the walls, but Socinus destroyed the foundations": The ambivalence of religious tolerance in Hungary according to Mihály Virág', in 'A hazának hű őre és oszlopa': Szepesy Ignác pécsi püspökemlékezete : tudomány és kutatás a Klimo Könyvtárban : a 2018. október 4-én rendezetttudományos konferencia tanulmányai (Pécsi Tudományegyetem Egyetemi Könyvtár ésTudásközpont, 2019).
Roe, Joshua, 'Book Review of Ethical Subjects in Contemporary Culture by Dave Boothroyd', in Marx & Philosophy Review of Books. (2015).
Roe, Joshua, 'Temporality and Feminism: The Impact of the Symbolic on Creative Interpretation', Text Matters, 4.4 (2014)