SBWL Business Information Systems
Please refer to the registration requirements at the bottom of the page (German only)
What the SBWL is about
The SBWL Business Information Systems provides you with the necessary understanding of IT every manager should have in today's IT-enabled enterprises. The program is designed for aspring students who want to enrich their business knowledge with IT skills. Technology plays a crucial role in service and business innovation, marketing products, interacting with customers, and making enterprises work. Accordingly, the SBWL program is organized into three elective pillars: Business Programming, Corporate IT, E-Marketing and Intelligent Customer Interaction Design. Business programming gives the opportunity to learn how to programm and automate vital business functionality. Corporate IT addresses how enterprises structure and exchange information over the web for providing superior services to customers. E-Marketing gives you the necessary skillset to address target groups using online advertising or price discrimination. Intelligent Customer Interaction Design provides you with the necessary knowledge of human-centered design in order to create delightful costumer experiences. Completing the SBWL is of indispensible value in a global business environment which is primarily driven by information technology.

The SBWL consists of one foundational course (K1), and four advanced courses (K2-K5). Out of these four, course 2 (K2) is mandatory for all students. The courses 3 to 4 (K3-4) are electives organized into three pillars. Students may switch between courses of these pillars as they wish. A multitude of options is offered for course 5 (K5) which are organized as seminars guiding students to write a seminar paper.
Our recommendation for the SBWL courses (3 Semester):
1. Semester: | Course 1: Basics of ICT/Grundzüge der IKT Course 2: Internet Economics |
2. Semester: | Course 3 Course 4 |
3. Semester: | Course 5: Business Information Systems Seminar |
Job Profiles
Some professions for which you can qualify after completing our SBWL program:
IT Consultant
IT Project Manager
Web Analyst/Controller
Social Media Marketing Manager
Information Product Designer
System/Information Architect
Software/Web Developer
Chief Information Officer (with some years of experience)
Educational aims
Develop business models with IT as core asset
Design of IT-enabled business processes
Understand recent trends such as big data, cloud computing, smart grids and social media
Assess and deploy ubiquitous computing technologies
Understand how E-Marketing campaigns are set up
Understand how business applications are developed and the semantic web works
Act ethically and sustainably in the information society
Understand costumers' expectations, needs, resources and limitations to create a better costumer interaction
How to apply
In the Bachelor's program "Business and Social Sciences", the special business administration "Business Information Systems (BIS)" is offered as the main focus for the branch of study "Business Information Systems".
Students of the branch of study "Business Information Systems" have to complete the following "Business Information Systems Common Body of Knowledge (WI-CBK)" courses according to the curriculum:
Bawiso 2019: "Data Communication and Computer Networks", "Data and Network Security", "Data and Knowledge Engineering", "Process Management for Information Systems", "Information Systems Project Governance and Management", "Algorithmic Thinking and Programming", "Design of Information Systems", "Formal Foundations of Information Systems"
Bawiso 2023: "Beschaffung, Logistik, Produktion", "Grundlagen und Methoden des Data und Knowledge Engineering", "Algorithmisches Denken und Programmierung", "Rechnernetzwerke und Datenübermittlung: Grundlagen und Sicherheit", "Design von betrieblichen Informationssystemen", "Governance und Management von IT-Projekten", "Forschungsmethoden der Wirtschaftsinformatik"
In agreement with the VR Lehre und Studierende and the ÖH-WU, the entry into the SBWL Business Information Systems (BIS) will be carried out according to the following, transparent rules from the summer semester 2016:
students must first register for the ET (entry level) type course called "Access to Specialization: Business Information Systems" (in VVZ),
all students registered in this introductory ET will be placed in the following order by the VR Teaching and Students (VRLS):
all students in the Business Information Systems major are sorted in descending order by the number of WI-CBK units completed (students with more WI-CBK units are ranked ahead of those with fewer WI-CBK units),
all students without WI-CBK-LVs and Incomings, here the order of registration applies ("first-come-first-serve")
the first 120 students from this ranked list of ET "Access to Specialization: Business Information Systems" will receive the status "successfully attended". Only students with the status "successfully attended" have the possibility to enroll in one of our four offered basic course 1 LVs afterwards, as soon as the registration for it is opened!
This ranking and the release for registration for the first 120 ranked students will be done by the beginning of the study semester!
If you receive a negative (Nicht genügend) or no grade due to lack of attendance, you will lose your place in SBWL and will have to re-register for the introductory lecture the next semester.