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"The End of Humanity" - The movie

From 2021 to 2022 the In­sti­tu­te for In­for­ma­ti­on Sys­tems and So­cie­ty con­duc­ted a pro­ject on trans­hu­ma­nistic nar­ra­ti­ves as found in major media out­lets, in par­ti­cu­lar Yuval Ha­ra­ri’s book “Homo Deus”. Ha­ra­ri's nar­ra­ti­ves range from a re­duc­ti­ve view on hu­mans as fla­wed or­ga­nic al­go­rithms, to di­rect calls for tech­no­lo­gi­cal­ly en­han­cing hu­mans in order to im­pro­ve or over­co­me bio­lo­gi­cal evo­lu­ti­on. In 2023 Scharz­fal­ter, a Swiss film team, joi­ned a co-​operation with the In­sti­tu­te and based on ad­di­tio­nal re­se­arch by Oli­ver Dürr, the Film “End­Of­Hu­ma­ni­ty” was pro­du­ced.

Video The End of Humanity. Official Trailer

The End of Humanity. Official…


Presentation of Dr. Sarah Spiekermann
Presentation of Dr. Sarah Spiekermann


Es­ther Gör­nemann (PhD)

Heval Co­kya­sar (MSc)

Cla­ris­sa Drewo (BSc)

Lukas Ru­bentha­ler (BSc)

Dr. Sarah Spie­ker­mann

Armin Sta­nic (BSc)