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Civil Society and New Forms of Governance in Europe (CINEFOGO)

The CINEFOGO Network of Excellence "Civil Society and New Forms of Governance in Europe" started in September 2005 and was part of the Sixth EU Framework Programme. The network included 40 universities and research institutions from all parts of Europe. Totally more then 150 scholars and Ph. D students were enrolled as members of the network.

CINEFOGO focused on the importance of improving citizens' participation in governance. This requires new knowledge on the importance of social and cultural diversity, active citizenship, civic participation and organised civil society - issues that have become more pressing with the on-going enlargement of Europe. A Europe characterised by growing inequality in economic and social conditions of the citizens but also increased diversity in the perception of what is meant to be the European House and in how to proceed in the process of economic, social and political integration of the European nation-states.

The overall aim of the CINEFOGO Network was to provide knowledge about the relationship between civil society, citizenship and social protection in an increasingly diversified and multicultural Europe. In this context, the Research Institute for Nonprofit Organisations was responsible for the research area "Differences in Social Participation and Civic Cultures across Europe".

For further information see CINEFOGO - Network of Excellence.

Project team: Michael Meyer, Stefanie Bixa, Paul Rameder, Eva Hollerweger, Johanna Hofbauer, Karin Heitzmann, August Österle

Project duration: 10/2005 bis 11/2009


Selected Publications

Mackerle-Bixa, Stefanie, Meyer, Michael, Strunk, Guido. 2009. Membership and Participation: School of Democracy or Hideaway of Biedermeier?. Journal of Civil Society 5 (3): 243-263.

Heitzmann, Karin, Hofbauer, Johanna, Mackerle-Bixa, Stefanie, Strunk, Guido. 2009. Where There's a Will, There's a Way? Civic Participation and Social Inequality. Journal of Civil Society 5 (3): 283-301.

Heitzmann, Karin, Hofbauer, Johanna, Mackerle-Bixa, Stefanie, Strunk, Guido. 2009. Bürgerschaftliches Engagement und soziale Ungleichheit. Eine Untersuchung auf Basis des European Social Survey. Kurswechsel 1 (2009): 41-49.