Außenansicht des D3 Gebäudes

Call for Papers - Workshop on Wealth Inequality, Intergenerational Mobility, and Equality of Opportunity

WU Vienna, November 21 - 22, 2024

May 15, 2024

Download Call for Papers

Conference Theme

We cordially invite submissions of papers on the measurement, causes, and consequences of wealth inequality, intergenerational mobility, and equality of opportunity. Particularly of interest are works on the following topics:

  • The relationship between wealth, including inheritances, social mobility and/or equality of opportunity

  • The role of (changing) labor markets, macroeconomic conditions, and employers for intergenerational mobility and economic opportunities

  • Wealth taxation, and the impact of taxation and public policies on wealth inequality, intergenerational mobility and equality of opportunity

  • The changing role of (higher) education, returns to education, and vocational training for intergenerational mobility

  • The geography of wealth inequality, social mobility, and equality of opportunity, especially using granular spatial data

Two keynote lectures will be delivered by Susan Dynarski (Patricia Albjerg Graham Professor of Education, Harvard University) and Fabian Pfeffer (Professor of Sociology, LMU Munich).

This two-day workshop aims to be an interdisciplinary event. We particularly encourage submissions from economists, sociologists, and closely related disciplines. Attendees can expect to engage with around 40 participants working on closely related topics and questions.

Acceptance Decision

We will communicate acceptance decisions no later than June 15, 2024.


Accommodation in Vienna, next to the workshop venue, will be provided for up to three nights.

Travel Budget

While our travel budget is limited, we may be able to offer limited financial assistance for participants who are unable to secure other funding sources. Please indicate your interest in travel support with your submission.

Participation Fee

There is no participation fee. 

Further Information

Additional social activities will be organised for November 23.