New Publication on pandemic effects on humanitarian migrants

Location: Starting on 10 May 2024 at 10:57

The newest publication by Judith Kohlenberger explores migrants and refugees in Austria, which have traditionally been living in precarious conditions at the very margins of society, were affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. It discusses strategies of outreach and communication adopted by the government and NGOs, and explores the socioeconomic, psychosocial, and legal repercussions for people who had already been marginalized before the start of the global health crisis.

Kohlenberger, J. (2024). Marginalized or essential (workers)? The pandemic effects on humanitarian migrants. In M. Mokre, & M. Six-Hohenbalken (Hrsg.), In/Visibility of Flight: Images and Narratives of Forced Migration (S. 219-236). Transcript Verlag.

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