Attention Management Basics

Location: Starting on 12 November 2024 at 13:00

Workshop | AD.0.114 | 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Attention Management Basics


How we experience the world around us and the extent to which we see ourselves as active co-creators in it is strongly linked to how we use our attention. Am I the boss of my smartphone or is it the other way around and it distracts me more than it is supportive? How we can find a better balance between these poles is the subject of this workshop.

In this in-person workshop, you will have the opportunity to dedicate two hours of your time to the topic of attention. We'll start with what attention is and then there will be lots of short, practical embodied practices to help increase your ability to pay attention.

Goals & Competencies
  • Analysis: When do I lose my attention?
  • Leadership presence model as a tool for analyzing where and why we get distracted or scattered
  • Attention modes (according to Iain McGilchrist's brain hemisphere hypothesis)
  • Variety of embodied practices – for different contexts – to increase your ability to pay attention
  • Sign up for this workshop here.
  • Limited spaces. First come, first served.
  • Be kind: if you can't make it, please drop us a line in time so we can offer your spot to another student.


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