Blick auf das D4 und das AD Gebäude

Advanced and Applied Sustainable Economics and Business (ZuWi-VA)

"Sustainable Economics: Deepening and Application (ZuWi Vertiefung und Anwendung)" builds on the content of the StEOP course "VWL & ZuWi" and deepens the skills and competences acquired therein.

The course consists of a lecture part and an exercise part. This allows students to specialise in the "Common Body of Knowledge" (CBK) based on their personal interests.

This wide range of specialisations reflects the diversity of the Department of Socioeconomics and the study branch Economics - Environment - Politics (WUPol).

Course Overview



Exercise sections

Videos about the exercise sections

This is what the students say

"I've never discussed a course so much and so often with people outside WU. The topics really moved me."

"Cutting-edge topics are exciting and thought-provoking."


"I like that we look outside of the neoclassical view and get an insight on important topics, as climate change and inequality. Presentations and discussions as a format are really great."

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register for the course "Sustainable Economics: Deepening and Application"?

How is the course organised?

Do I have to register separately for the exam?

Where can I find additional information about the course?

Please note

"Sustainable Economics: Deepening and Application" is a CBK course from WISO23 and should not be confused with ZuWi II from the study programme of WISO19. For information regarding ZuWi II, please contact your student representative.


Academic contacts

Univ.-Prof. Jonas Bunte, Ph.D.

Univ.-Prof. Jonas Bunte, Ph.D.

Institute for International Political Economy, Department of Socioeconomics

Administrative contact

For questions about the content

Nico Schuh

Nico Schuh

Tutor Sustainable Economics: Deepening and Application, Institute for International Political Economy