Pizza, Politics & (Motion) Picture

Are you wondering what movies, politics and pizza can have to do with each other? We cordially invite you to find out together with us at our event series "Pizza, Politics & (Motion) Picture".
Under this title, the Institute for International Political Economy has started a new event series in the winter semester 2022/23. We want to break through the strictly academic setting of a lecture and discuss with you - interested students and friends of our institute - in a pleasant atmosphere. After the screening of a film, there will be a discussion round to jointly discuss relevant contents of the film from the perspective of political economy.
Find all information about upcoming and past editions of "PPP" here.
The next edition of PPP takes place:
Thursday, 24th October 2024 |
More information will be announced in due time.
Your suggestions for PPP
![[Translate to English:] Screenshot Suggestions Form](/fileadmin/wu/_processed_/d/6/csm_Screenshot_Suggestions_1a8f6eabb2.png)
"PPP" is an event based on the interaction between the Institute's academic staff and students and friends of the Institute. Do you have suggestions for movies that we should definitely show as part of "PPP"?
Leave us your comments and ideas in this form:
forms.gle/mNkycsTnzmiJGXHX9 |
Past editions of PPP
"The Big Short" - 6th June 2024
Invitation: Pizza, Politics & (Motion) Picture - "The Big Short"
![[Translate to English:] PPP Poster eighth edition](/fileadmin/wu/_processed_/0/4/csm_Session_8_-_The_Big_Short_v3_926d5b17af.png)
The bursting of the US housing bubble in 2007 was the beginning of one of the worst financial crises in history. Nobody could have seriously foreseen this development - or could they? In "The Big Short", we follow the three parallel stories of the somewhat unconventional hedge fund manager Michael Burry, the investment entrepreneur Mark Baum and his team and the young fund managers Charlie Geller and Jamie Shipley. And although the three stories are actually independent of each other, all the protagonists have one goal: a huge bet against the banks and the US housing market - and how to earn millions from other people's losses.
The screening followed by a discussion will take place on
Thursday, 6th June 2024, at 6.00 p.m. in the Department Lounge Strategy & Innovation (Welthandelsplatz 2, Building D5, 6th floor).
"Das Wunder von Wörgl" - 18th Apr. 2024
Invitation: Pizza, Politics & (Motion) Picture - "Das Wunder von Wörgl"

In this edition of PPP, the film "Das Wunder von Wörgl" (aka "Shillings from Heaven"; starring Karl Markovics and Verena Altenberger, among others) takes us on a journey to the town of Wörgl in Tyrol in the 1930s. The whole world, including Austria, is suffering from the consequences of the global financial crisis. Of Wörgl's 4,000 inhabitants at the time, a good 40% were unemployed and more than 700 people had to claim benefits from the communal welfare system. To alleviate the hardship, the social democratic mayor ventured a financial experiment that was to be extremely successful and go down in history as the "Miracle of Wörgl".
The screening followed by a discussion will take place on
Thursday, 18th April 2024, at 6.00 p.m. in the Department Lounge Strategy & Innovation (Welthandelsplatz 2, Building D5, 6th floor).
"Elysium" - 18th Jan. 2024
Invitation: Pizza, Politics & (Motion) Picture - Elysium

Directed by: Neill Blomkamp
Starring: Matt Damon, Jodie Foster, Sharlto Copley
Campus WU, Department-Lounge Strategy & Innovation (D5.6.029)
Building D5, 6th floor
Welthandelsplatz 2, 1020 Vienna
Based on the movie "Elysium" by director Neill Blomkamp, this time the often controversially discussed topic of the two-class society is taken up. The concept is frequently used in political discourse to fuel fears of division and unequal treatment. In the film, it is taken to extremes by setting the story in a utopian science fiction world in the year 2154. A privileged class of the super-rich has long since left Earth and lives on the space station "Elysium", while a disenfranchised underclass toils on what remains of planet Earth. Accompany the production worker Max Da Costa in his courageous fight against the Elysium industrialist John Carlyle and against Elysium's unscrupulous defence minister Delacourt.
"The Lorax" - 2nd Nov. 2023
Invitation to the 5th edition of PPP

Directed by: Chris Renaud & Kyle Balda
Starring the voices of: Danny DeVito as The Lorax, Zac Efron as Ted and Taylor Swift as Audrey
Campus WU, Department-Lounge Strategy & Innovation (D5.6.029)
Building D5, 6th floor
Welthandelsplatz 2, 1020 Vienna
“Only after the last tree has been cut down, only after the last river has been poisoned, only after the last fish has been caught, then will you find that money cannot be eaten.” A quote that everyone knows. It is often mistakenly presented as the prophecy of the indigenous Cree people. However, the quote is not indigenous at all, but comes from a book published in 1972. Whether it was also the inspiration for the two directors Chris Renaud and Kyle Balda for "The Lorax" or whether the author of the original book, Grinch creator Theodor Seuss Geisel, was guided by it, we don't know. But it would fit. We are in a now barren valley where so-called Truffula trees used to grow. A clever businessman, called the Once-ler, settles there and begins to produce a wool-like substance called Thneed from the Truffula trees. In the process, he gets into trouble with the Lorax, the small, orange-haired guardian of the Truffula trees. Although the Once-ler promises him not to cut down any more trees, he continues the production of Thneed - until all the Truffula trees have been felled. Today, there is not a single tree left in the town of Thneedville, everything is plastic. Businessmen like Aloysius O'Hare become rich by selling bottled air. On a suggestion from his grandmother Norma, he leaves town and sets off in search of the Once-ler to discover the secret of the Truffula trees and perhaps win the heart of his neighbour Audrey.
"Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei" - 1st June 2023
"Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei" at the 4th edition of PPP!

Directed by: Hans Weingartner
Starring: Daniel Brühl, Julia Jentsch, Stipe Erceg
Campus WU, Department-Lounge Strategy & Innovation (D5.6.029)
Building D5, 6th floor
Welthandelsplatz 2, 1020 Vienna
Political commitment, morality, friendship and love - that is the thematically intense mixture that director Hans Weingartner covers in his film "Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei" (aka The Edukators). Three young people, the two flatmates Jan and Peter as well as Peter's girlfriend Jule, are friends and politically engaged. So much so that they develop a kind of "guerrilla tactic" with which they want to unsettle the "rich bigwigs" of Berlin. The simple idea: They spy on luxury villas, familiarise themselves with the alarm system and then break in. However, the focus is not on the possible loot, rather they set signs: Furniture is moved and messages like "The fat years are over" are left on the walls. But when they break into the villa of Justus Hardenberg, to whom Peter's girlfriend Jule owes a lot of money after an accident, everything suddenly gets out of hand. The activists unwittingly become kidnappers, and the relationship of the three and the moral anchoring of their actions are put to the test.
"Erin Brockovich" - 23rd Mar. 2023
Invitation to the third edition of PPP!

Directed by: Steven Sonderbergh
Starring: Julia Roberts
Campus WU, Department-Lounge Strategy & Innovation (D5.6.029)
Building D5, 6th floor
Welthandelsplatz 2, 1020 Vienna
"Erin Brockovich" is a classic movie from the year 2000, based on a true background. It tells us the story of a single mother of three children from humble origins. After a car accident and a lost lawsuit, Brockovich is faced with a mountain of debt, but is able to convince her lawyer Ed Masry to hire her as an assistant. While doing research, she comes across inconsistencies in files about a house purchase by the "Pacific Gas & Electric" corporation, one of the largest US energy providers, in the Californian town of Hinkley. Further investigations confirm the suspicion of a gigantic environmental scandal. With great personal commitment, the law firm finally initiates a class action lawsuit against the corporation, which would end with a conviction for the largest amount of compensation for damages in US history to date.
"Parasite" - 19th Jan. 2023
Invitation: Pizza, Politics & (Motion) Picture
![[Translate to English:] Flyer PPP 19.01.23](/fileadmin/wu/_processed_/c/b/csm_PPP_S2_Flyer_v1_817df2f4af.png)
We start the new year 2023 and are pleased to invite you right at the beginning to another edition of our series "PPP - Pizza, Politics & (Motion) Picture".
This time we go to South Korea and show one of the most successful and best-criticised movies of recent years, a masterpiece by director Bong Joon-ho: Parasite. Four Oscars and the Palme d'Or at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival speak for themselves, along with numerous other awards and countless excellent reviews. Come to building D5 at the WU campus, watch the film and join the discussion afterwards: After the screening, there will again be a discussion round to analyse the film together from the perspective of political economy.
Find all the information on the second edition of Pizza, Politics & (Motion) Picture here:
Director: Bong Joon-ho
Department Lounge Strategy & Innovation (D5.6.029)
Building D5, 6th floor
Welthandelsplatz 2, 1020 Vienna
Thursday, 19th January, 2023
6.00 p.m.
For organisational reasons we ask for registration under the following link: Registration PPP
"Fight Club" - 10th Nov. 2022
Pizza, Politics, and (Motion) Picture
![[Translate to English:] Flyer PPP](/fileadmin/wu/_processed_/f/8/csm_Flyer_PPP_v4_2e098ec91d.jpg)
Are you wondering what movies, politics and pizza can have to do with each other? We cordially invite you to find out together with us.
Pizza, Politics, and (Motion) Picture - the Institute for International Political Economy is starting a new event series in the winter semester of 2022/23. We want to break through the strictly academic setting of a lecture and discuss with you - interested students and friends of our institute. After the screening of a movie, there will be a discussion round to jointly discuss relevant contents of the movie from the perspective of political economy.
Find all information about the first edition of Pizza, Politics & (Motion) Picture here:
Directed by: David Fincher
Starring: Brad Pitt, Meat Loaf, Helena Bonham Carter, Jared Leto
"Stufenraum" (D4.1.208)
Building D4, entrance B, 1st floor
Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna
Thursday, 10th November, 2022
6.00 p.m.
Institute for International Political Economy