Blick auf das D4 und das AD Gebäude

Teaching quality

Why should students attend our courses? We have an innovative teaching philosophy - but does it work? Take a look at the evaluations of our courses and some testimonials from students here.

Evaluations in the winter semester 2024/25

Sidan Raeskyesa: "FDI, Political Economy, and Development Challenges"

Ashley Simpson: "Regulating Finance for Stability and Sustainability"

Teresa Hübel: "Navigating Trade and Politics for Sustainable Development"

Evaluations in the winter semester 2023/24

Jonas Bunte: "Modern Societies I: Genesis, Dynamics, Cybernetics"

Jonas Bunte: "Philosophy of Science"

Sidan Raeskyesa: "FDI and Development"

Ashley Simpson: "Regulating Finance and Sustainable Development"

Evaluations in the summer semester 2023

Sidan Raeskyesa: "Investment and Social Development"

Ashley Simpson: "Financial Systems and Government Regulation"