Teaching quality
Why should students attend our courses? We have an innovative teaching philosophy - but does it work? Take a look at the evaluations of our courses and some testimonials from students here.
Evaluations in the winter semester 2024/25
Evaluations in the winter semester 2023/24
Sidan Raeskyesa: "FDI and Development"
Quantitative analysis
Chelsea Wilson - Exchange student from the University of Western Australia
This course was one of the most valuable units I have partaken in my university career. It encouraged me to develop my analytical mindset by always being asked to find puzzles and "Why questions" within pieces of data and trends. The class was highly interactive with opinions from all over the globe being contributed which I think really added value to the class. Additionally, the assessments, whilst unique, genuinely challenged me to understand the topics in a deeper way in order to creatively and effectively communicate the crux of that week's learning. Sidan definitely fosters a great space for learning with engaging lectures, facilitating healthy debate and genuine willingness to help his students.Anna Weinzierl - WU Vienna
Sidan is the most caring and interested instructor I have personally experienced at WU. He would help us students no matter which concerns. Be it internship applications or a letter of recommendation for a master's program. During our lessons, he trained us to find a 'puzzle' in every cases and always support us in thinking outside of the box to put ourselves into the position of politicians, investors, host countries, and their populations. The students were asked to submit numerous creative assignments, such as a podcast, an op-ed, and a short video. Additionally, we had to read a paper about various topics concerning FDI every week and connect it to a newspaper article that would pick up the paper's topic. This allowed us to get in touch with real-world cases and also get a feeling for the relevance and effects of FDI for regions all over the world. In addition, I found the exam was held in a very unique way. Every student was allowed to bring a cheat sheet with whatever they felt was going to be helpful during the exam. This allowed us to avoid bulimic studying but rather made me study to understand the connections and dynamics.
Ashley Simpson: "Regulating Finance and Sustainable Development"
Quantitative analysis
Anton Meyer - WU Vienna
I genuinely enjoyed your class a lot, and the topics discussed have already helped me in the M&A research part-time job I took on a month ago. I see a high relevance in the research topics you and your institute are dealing with. Thanks again for the feedback, and keep up your way of teaching. I think many WU students can profit greatly from these innovative grading assignments. Although many WU students may be more used to a more traditional way of getting graded (big exams), I salute you for your breath of fresh air (podcast, video, newspaper assignment).
Evaluations in the summer semester 2023
Sidan Raeskyesa: "Investment and Social Development"
Quantitative analysis
Hannah Grace Musatto - Exchange Student from Bentley University, USA
The Investment and Social Development course is unlike any other Economics course I have taken. The learning modality is more of what you would expect from a casual discussion on investment-related current events with your peers. It was so great to collaborate and converse with fellow students throughout the semester. I truly believe we learn more from each other; our lecturer Sidan Raeskyesa understands this and never lectured at us or asked us to memorize slides but rather encouraged us to put our diverse and varied minds together to explore social issues relating to investment. This course allowed me to push the boundaries of my academic comfort zone, as the purpose of the study isn’t to get a “right” or “wrong” answer but rather to explore the grey area in between by posing analytical questions and coming up with creative possibilities.
Mehrona Ismailova - WU Vienna
What made this lecture truly unique was the multicultural environment. International students from various countries were present in the audience, each bringing their perspectives and experiences. Throughout the course, Sidan Raeskyesa (our lecturer) interlaced theoretical concepts, real-life examples, and case studies to illustrate the details of foreign investment. Most of the time, we had real cases, and everyone from the audience could participate in the discussion. This was the first time that I truly enjoyed a lecture. It was different from every lecture that you already know. We, as students, were part of navigating complex topics such as investment incentives, regulatory frameworks, and the role of multinational corporations; regardless of our prior knowledge, we could follow along. Moreover, there is not any typical hierarchy between the lecturer and students. Therefore, one was truly free to speak their opinion on certain topics without feeling judged.
Ashley Simpson: "Financial Systems and Government Regulation"
Quantitative analysis
Gabrielle Casset
I have learnt so much and it has truly inspired me in terms of how I want to use my business degree and what I want to do later. This course has been by far one of my favorites throughout my time at university. Thank you for your enthusiasm, dedication, and support throughout the semester!
Oleh Bei
I have never taken such a well-structured course at the WU! Being taught by you, was really a great experience besides the typical WU Austrian course structure, and I would highly encourage all of my uni colleagues to sign up for your course if there was such an offer in the future! Never felt so much heard as in your course!
Maciej Bojdo
Although finance is not my primary interest, I feel like it was one of the most beneficial classes I've ever taken.