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Tax Treaty Law

Textbooks for all courses in this module:

  • Lang, Introduction to the Law of Double Taxation Conventios

  • Kodex "Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen" Linde Verlag (current edition)

  • Kodex "Steuergesetze" Linde Verlag (current edition) or Gesetzbuch "Steuerrecht" (Verlag Österreich, current edition)

  • OECD, Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital

  • Collection of relevant examples

25S 4544 Tax Treaty Law

Date Begin End Room Building
2025-04-08 13:00 17:00 TC.0.02 TC
2025-04-22 14:00 18:00 TC.0.02 TC
2025-05-06 14:30 18:30 TC.0.03 WIENER STÄDTISCHE TC
2025-05-20 08:00 11:00 TC.0.04 TC
2025-06-16 15:30 18:30 TC.0.03 WIENER STÄDTISCHE TC