Zwei Studierende stehen auf der Stiege im TC

Exam Infos

Here we provide you with important information on exam retakes, exam attempts, commission examinations, and the corresponding assessment deadlines.

Repeat of positive exam

A successfully passed exam can be repeated once within 12 months (according to Universities Act 2002 §77).  

What you should look out for:  

  • The repeat exam is only possible in the same degree program at WU.

  • As soon as you take the repeat exam, the old grade no longer counts - even if the new grade is worse.

  • If the repeat exam is negative, you will have to take the exam again. A negative result may mean that you no longer meet certain requirements (CBK, main program phase).

  • Continuous assessment courses (PI) & lectures with interactive elements (VUE) must be repeated in their entirety. Performance components cannot be transferred to a subsequent semester. Re-registration for the course must take place within 12 months.

So you apply for a repeat exam:   

You can only send the application to the Examinations Office by email from your official WU student address. Please note the following: 

  • Grade on the transcript: The original grade must no longer be provisional and must already appear on the transcript. 

  • Exam results as a prerequisite: If the exam you want to improve is a prerequisite for other courses, make sure you register for these courses before contacting us for the exam repeat (!). Afterwards, no more registrations or waiting list entries are possible (however, existing registrations remain valid).  

Tip: You can find more information on this in the FAQs.


Examination Attempts

The following regulations apply to the maximum number of permissible examination attempts:

  • Four attempts are allowed for all exams in the introductory and orientation phase (STEOP).

  • Five attempts are permitted for all other examinations.

  • If the final attempt is negative, the student is expelled from the program and may not continue his or her studies in this program. As soon as your grade no longer appears as “provisional” in LPIS, you will receive official confirmation by email that you have been expelled from the degree program.

  • The maximum number of permissible examination attempts applies simultaneously to both of WU’s bachelor’s programs. This means that students who are enrolled in both bachelor’s programs have only the permitted number of attempts for identical exams, i.e. four attempts for each exam in the introductory and orientation phase (STEOP) and five for all others. In other words, being enrolled in both programs does not give students twice as many attempts on these exams. If the final permissible attempt is negative, the student is expelled from both programs.

  • If the curriculum provides for a choice between examinations, the student’s choice shall be deemed final at the time of the fifth examination attempt. If the student receives a failing grade on this attempt, he or she will be unenrolled from all degree programs that require the examination in question (by-laws §32 (1a)).

It may be possible to be admitted to a new curriculum or a different degree program, please contact at the Admissions Office

Examinations by a Panel

In the introductory and orientation phase (STEOP), the third repeat attempt (i.e. the fourth examination attempt overall) is always held in the form of an examination by a panel of examiners.

In the main program phase, the third and fourth repeat examination attempts (i.e. attempts number four and five overall) are always held in the form of an examination by a panel of examiners. At the student’s request, the third overall examination attempt can also be held as an examination by a panel. Applications for an examination by a panel (this applies only to third examination attempts) have to be submitted by email to the Examinations Office.

The examination panel usually consists of three faculty members. Examinations by a panel are held in exactly the same way as regular exams, and the sign-up procedures are identical, too. The only difference is that the exam is evaluated by a panel of examiners.

Grading Period, Viewing Exam Papers, Your Legal Rights with Regard to Examinations and Cheating

Grading Period

Viewing Exam Papers

Your Legal Rights with Regard to Examinations
