Studierende sitzen auf den Holzinseln vor dem D2

Clear & focused in challenging moments


Workshop | D4.0.136 | 9 am - 12 pm

Clear & focused in challenging moments


Our guest expert Andreas Kollar is a coach, clinical psychologist, health and sports psychologist. He has worked for over ten years in the field of psychiatry and in private practice. Since 2021 depression and anxiety are among the main topics in his private practice. He also works with companies and organizations as well as with top athletes and artists to improve their performance.

ContextIt’s a natural and essential part of life to encounter challenging situations. These challenges may present as exam anxiety or moments when we want to perform well. Sometimes, matters are very personal and they are difficult because we care. In any case, the ability to deal with stress is a valuable and important skill for any person.In this workshop, you will get to know Brainspotting, an established method for maintaining inner clarity and building a good focus, especially in challenging times.
Goals & Competencies
  • Input: How to build a good focus
  • Dealing with emotional and mental stress
  • Dealing with inner blockages
  • Building a clear focus
  • Ability to check what feels right internally
  • Sign up here for this workshop.
  • Limited spaces, first come, first served.
  • If you can’t join, please drop us a line in time so we can offer your spot to another student.
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