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Skill Session: Letting go ... of the unnecessary


In-Person Training | LC.2.004 | 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Skill Session: Letting go ... of the unnecessary

Skill Session_Konzentration

The Skill Sessions is a series of independent one-hour embodiment trainings where you can learn practical body-based exercises that help you hone human skills and abilities that support you different life and study contexts. 

ContextDo you think your life would be better if you got more done? Then this session will be challenging this idea: we will experiment with the idea that you can achieve more if you make less "unnecessary effort". Letting go what is no longer necessary, creates space for something new. Ready to explore?!
  • Everyday life analysis: What efforts do I carry with me that are no longer useful?
  • Practice tensing and releasing efforts in specific body areas.
  • Learning to let go of reactive patterns.
  • Inquiry into the concept of "letting go".
Sign up
  • Sign up for this Skill Session here.

  • Limited spaces on a first come, first served basis. You can't join? Please let us know in time so we can offer your space to another student.


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