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Institute for Retailing & Data Science (RDS)RSS

Team 2024


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The Future of Shopping Centers

According to Paul Douay, Director of Retail Operations Germany and Austria at Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield, the question of whether bricks-and-mortar retail has a future is the wrong one. It's more about…

[Translate to English:] Gruppenbild

Expert talk with Susanne Vockenhuber, Louis Vuitton

Many thanks to Susanne Vockenhuber, Store Director at Louis Vuitton in Vienna, for her guest lecture on "Client Experience at Louis Vuitton – how to navigate the blessing and the curse of being the #1…

[Translate to English:] Fiala_Start

Guest lecture on the strategic importance of pricing

Why is the 1.5-liter bottle of Coca-Cola regularly on promotion, but never the 500ml bottle? Why is sparkling wine advertised at a bargain price just before Christmas, but not coffee in the summer…

[Translate to English:] Gruppenfoto

Praxisdialog with ECR

ECR has been the cooperation platform for industry and retail for more than 25 years. Since the beginning there has been a close cooperation with our institute through the ECR Academic Partnership. It…

[Translate to English:] ganz klein

Ethno-Food Project with Shan Shi

Long-distance travel and social media have given Austrians a taste for international dishes. Since we have all rediscovered our kitchens during Corona, the ethno-food trend is also booming in food…

[Translate to English:] Gruppenfoto

Praxisdialog kicks off the semester

What a start to the new Praxisdialog semester! Andreas Nentwich, once a student, doctoral student, and lecturer at WU and now CEO of Maresi, gave us an authentic insight into the challenges of FMCG…

[Translate to English:] CH und CC

RARCS Conference in Lyon

Presenting our research projects at RARCS 2023 - Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Science Conference – in Lyon. We very much enjoyed the lively discussions with colleagues from all around the…

[Translate to English:] Masterabschluss

Congratulations MSc students!

16 smiling MSc students - along with 2 supervisors! Congratulations students on the successful presentation of your master’s theses! Bernadette Kamleitner and I are proud of you! Enjoy the summer and…

[Translate to English:] CC in Barcelona

RDS at the DMeC in Barcelona

Societal stakeholders have started to rethink agricultural supply chains and discuss strategies to improve its resilience to be better prepared for future disruptions. One of the main pillars of such…

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RDS at CERR in Portsmouth

This year’s Colloquium on European Research in Retailing was held at University of Portsmouth Business School. The Institute for Retailing and Data Sience was represented in two sessions. Christina…