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Sports & Marketing - Interview with Dr. Fabian Nindl

Interview with Dr. Fabian Nindl (WU Magazin 2/2021) Sports as lifestyle: which role does sport play for the people? After my competitive basketball career, I jumped into the research of sports…

[Translate to English:] Startfolie des Vortrages

Digital Disruption in the Publishing Industry

In our last expert talk of the summer term 2021, we had the pleasure to invite Martin Kneschaurek, publishing director for Print & E-Paper at the newspaper “Der Standard”, as a guest lecturer. In his…

Screenshot of a Zoom call with 6 people that have a discussion

Podium discussion at MCÖ about retail promotions

The Marketing Club Austria (MCÖ) hosted a virtual club meeting on May 17th. After keynotes by Christina Tönniges und Amata Ring (GfK) and Wilhelm Asmus (Target) a discussion was held on the pros and…

[Translate to English:] retail und data science Team

Presentation of our specialisation Retailing and Marketing

At the ÖH SBWL presentation day we had the opportunity to present our specialisation in Retailing and Marketing. Our program focuses on expertise in retail marketing, retail research, and data-driven…

Blue logo of the Efficient Consumer Response Austria

Certified ECR Manager Course

In cooperation with the Institute for Retailing & Data Science (R&DS), the training course to become a certified ECR Manager is yet again offered. In only four days, renowned research and industry…

Portrait of Sandra Kolleth, the CEO of Miele. A smiling woman with glasses. In the background the Miele office with a miniature washing machine.

Praxisdialog – in conversation with Sandra Kolleth, CEO at Miele

This week we were happy to welcome one of our alumni Sandra Kolleth as guest speaker in our expert talk series Praxisdialog. Interviewed by Professor Schnedlitz, Ms. Kolleth provided an insight into…

Screenshot of the first presentation slide of the guest lecture of BIPA: The picture shows the title „Retailing & Marketing – Expert Talk: Chanes and risk for drug store retailing in times of Covid“ and an abstract stairway with an arrow.

“Covid-19 – Chances & risks of the crisis for the drugstore industry” Expert Talk with Mag. Lichtblau from BIPA

The second expert talk of this semester took place virtually on the 17th of March with the managing director of BIPA, Mag. Thomas Lichtblau on the topic of “Covid-19 – Chances & risks of the crisis…

[Translate to English:] Team Foto

Semester Kick-off for our specialization Retailing & Marketing

An integral part of our specialization is our kick-off event, where students can meet the lecturers in an informal setting. Due to Covid-19, our kick-off happened virtually this semester. Although we…

Screenshot of a presentation of the Main Association of the Austrian Book Trade, in the middle a portrait of Gustav Soucek, a man with dark hair and a beard.

All about books! Gustav Soucek for our expert talk series Praxisdialog

With over 90 participants, our first expert talk series Praxisdialog took place this summer semester. Gustav Soucek, managing director of the Main Association of the Austrian Book Trade, gave us…

Christina Holweg, a standing woman with moderator cards in her hand in a recording studio. The background shows the words: Regal and Fachforum Molkereiprodukte.

Expert Forum for Dairy products – digital!

Congratulations to the trade magazine Regal for the successful first digital expert forum on dairy products 2021! Industry experts discussed the latest topics such as nutrition trends, innovative milk…