Think! Research
Research involves pushing limits and creating new knowledge
Our research aims to contribute to pushing the frontiers of marketing knowledge. Our research interests are rooted in marketing’s core topics, including product and brand management, creativity and new product development, and consumer behavior.
Our research has been published in the field’s top journals and has received prestigious prizes and best paper awards. Our research is also frequently featured in various international media outlets (e.g., The Bosten Globe, Harvard Business Review, New Scientist, Scientific American), as well as in German-speaking and local media (e.g., Die Presse, Handelsblatt, Salzburger Nachrichten).
Selected Publications:
University knowledge inside: How and when university-industry collaborations make new products more attractive to consumers. Journal of Marketing, 88 (2), 1-20, 2024 (L. Maier, M. Schreier, C. V. Baccarella, and K.-I. Voigt) (link)
I didn’t win! An overlooked downside of crowdsourcing? Journal of Interactive Marketing, 59 (1), 42-58, 2024 (T. Karpukhina, M. Schreier, C. Janiszewski, and H. Nishikawa) (link)
The value of making producers personal. Journal of Retailing, 98 (3), 486-495, 2022 (C. Fuchs, U. Kaiser, M. Schreier, and S.M.J. van Osselaer) (link)
Connecting to place, people, and past: How products make us feel grounded. Journal of Marketing, 86 (4), 1-16, 2022 (I. Eichinger, M. Schreier, and S.M.J. van Osselaer) (link)
Facial mask personalization encourages facial mask wearing in times of COVID-19. Scientific Reports, 12 (891), 2022 (J. Palcu, M. Schreier, and C. Janiszewski) (link)
Making the world a better place: How crowdfunding increases consumer demand for social-good products. Journal of Marketing Research, 58 (April), 363-376, 2021 (B. Simpson, M. Schreier, R. Bitterl, and K. White) (link)
Customization in luxury brands: Can Valentino get personal? Journal of Marketing Research, 57(5), 937-947, 2020 (C. P. Moreau, E. Prandelli, M. Schreier, and S. Hieke) (link)
Earmarking donations to charity: Cross-cultural evidence on its appeal to donors across 25 countries. Management Science, 66 (October): 4820-4842, 2020 (C. Fuchs, M. G. de Jong, and M. Schreier) (link)
The self-expressive customization of a product can improve performance. Journal of Marketing Research, 54 (Oktober): 816-831, 2017 (U. Kaiser, M. Schreier, and C. Janiszewski) (link)
The value of marketing crowdsourced new products as such: Evidence from two randomized field experiments. Journal of Marketing Research, 54 (August): 525-539, 2017 (H. Nishikawa, M. Schreier, C. Fuchs, and S. Ogawa) (link) 2018 WU Best Paper Award
The handmade effect: What’s love got to do with It? Journal of Marketing, 79 (March): 98 –110, 2015 (C. Fuchs, M. Schreier, and S. M.J. van Osselaer) (download) Finalist, Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award 2020
Integrating problem solvers from analogous markets in new product ideation, Management Science, 60 (April): 1063-1081, 2014 (N. Franke, M. Poetz, and M. Schreier) (download) 2019 INFORMS TIMES Best Paper Award; 2014 EBS.SIIE Best-Paper-Award “Innovation Management”
For more information about the institute’s current research projects see the faculty websites.
Our Research in the News
The Human Dimension of Production
In connection with the exhibition “handiCRAFT – Traditional Skills in the Digital Age” (December 14, 2016 - April 9, 2017), we conducted a research lab at the Austrian Museum of Applied Arts (MAK). A series of small tasks or questionnaires was distributed to museum visitors throughout a four-month period based on their designation as a producer or consumer. Research questions were continually revised and expanded during the course of the exhibition. With the help of museum visitors, we attempted to create a comprehensive picture of the different roles along the entire value creation chain. The process in which museum visitors participated in an experiment that evolved over time was itself an experiment.
SCP Conference Vienna 2015

"Creative Destruction" was the guiding theme of the Second International Conference of the Society of Consumer Psychology, held at WU Vienna (June 25 - June 27, 2015).
Conference Co-chairs:
Darren Dahl, University of British Columbia
Bernadette Kamleitner, WU Vienna
Page Moreau, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Martin Schreier, WU Vienna