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Martin Schreier

Martin Schreier is Professor of Marketing and Head of the Department of Marketing and the Institute for Marketing Management at WU Vienna. Before joining WU in 2012, he has been on the faculty at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. Between 2021 and 2024, he has been serving as Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Research in Marketing, the official journal of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC). Since 2024 he is an EMAC Fellow.

His research has been published in academic journals such as the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, and Management Science. His work has also been featured in international media outlets such as the Harvard Business Review as well as in prominent German-speaking media including, TV (e.g., 3SAT), radio stations (e.g., Ö1), and newspapers (e.g., Handelsblatt). Moreover, his research has been honored with several awards, including among others, the INFORMS TIMES Best Paper Award 2019 for the Management Science paper “Integrating problem solvers from analogous markets in new product ideation” (together with N. Franke and M. Poetz).

Selected recent publications:

  • Better innovation for a better world. Journal of Marketing, forthcoming, (with D. W. Dahl, C. H. Noble, and O. Toubia) (link)

  • Fixing the bug in insect consumption. Food Quality and Preference, forthcoming, (with J. Palcu, C. Janiszewski, J. Kleber, and A. Salerno) (link)

  • The creator economy: An introduction and a call for scholarly research. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 41 (3), 403-410, 2024 (with R. Peres, D. Schweidel, and A. Sorescu) (link

  • The Starbucks effect: When name-based order identification increases customers' store preference and service satisfaction. Journal of Retailing, 100 (2), 316-329, 2024 (with S. Lim, S.M.J. van Osselaer, J. K. Goodman, and C. Fuchs) (link)

  • University knowledge inside: How and when university-industry collaborations make new products more attractive to consumers. Journal of Marketing, 88 (2), 1-20, 2024 (with L. Maier, C. V. Baccarella, and K.-I. Voigt) (link)

  • I didn’t win! An overlooked downside of crowdsourcing? Journal of Interactive Marketing, 59 (1), 42-58, 2024 (with T. Karpukhina, C. Janiszewski, and H. Nishikawa) (link)

  • Retailing groundedness: How to improve customer experience, brand perceptions, and customer loyalty through feelings of groundedness. Journal of Retailing, 99 (4), 594-604, 2023 (with G. Bruckberger, C. Fuchs, and S.M.J. van Osselaer) (link)

  • Paying twice for aesthetic customization? The negative effect of uniqueness on a product's resale value. Journal of Marketing Research, 60 (3), 602-624, 2023 (with M. Fuchs) (link)

  • On ChatGPT and beyond: How generative artificial intelligence may affect research, teaching, and practice. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 40 (2), 269-275, 2023 (with R. Peres, D. Schweidel, and A. Sorescu)

  • Exploring the origins of intrinsic motivation. Motivation and Emotion, 47, 28-45, 2023 (with Y. Zheng and C. Janiszewki) (link)

  • Blockchain meets marketing: Opportunities, threats, and avenues for future research. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 40 (1), 1-11, 2023 (with R. Peres, D. Schweidel, and A. Sorescu) (link)

  • The value of making producers personal. Journal of Retailing, 98 (3), 486-495, 2022 (with C. Fuchs, U. Kaiser, and S.M.J. van Osselaer) (link)

  • Connecting to place, people, and past: How products make us feel grounded. Journal of Marketing, 86 (4), 1-16, 2022 (with I. Eichinger, and S.M.J. van Osselaer) (link)

  • Facial mask personalization encourages facial mask wearing in times of COVID-19. Scientific Reports, 12 (891), 2022 (with J. Palcu, and C. Janiszewski) (link)

  • Sales and self: The noneconomic value of selling the fruits of one’s labor. Journal of Marketing, 86 (3), 40-58, 2022 (with B. Schnurr, C. Fuchs, E. Maira, S. Puntoni, and S.M.J. van Osselaer) (link)

Further publications (refereed journals)


A few visitors to our Live-Lab at the MAK’s "handiCRAFT – Traditional Skills in the Digital Age" exhibition were invited to summarize our paper on handmade effects in the form of an artistic drawing. Examples of the outcome can be seen below.

Research Comics

University knowledge inside: How and when university-industry collaborations make new products more attractive to consumers. Journal of Marketing, 88 (2), 1-20, 2024 (with L. Maier, C. V. Baccarella, and K.-I. Voigt) (link)

Paying twice for aesthetic customization? The negative effect of uniqueness on a product's resale value. Journal of Marketing Research, 60 (3), 602-624, 2023 (with M. Fuchs) (link)

Connecting to place, people, and past: How products make us feel grounded. Journal of Marketing, 86 (4), 1-16, 2022 (with I. Eichinger, and S.M.J van Osselaer) (link)

Sales and self: The noneconomic value of selling the fruits of one’s labor. Journal of Marketing, 86 (3), 40-58, 2022 (with B. Schnurr, C. Fuchs, E. Maira, S. Puntoni, and S.M.J. van Osselaer) (link)

Making the world a better place: How crowdfunding increases consumer demand for social-good products. Journal of Marketing Research, 58 (April), 363-376, 2021 (with B. Simpson, R. Bitterl, and K. White) (link)

Customization in luxury brands: Can Valentino get personal? Journal of Marketing Research, 57(5), 937-947, 2020 (with C. P. Moreau, E. Prandelli, and S. Hieke) (link)

Earmarking donations to charity: Cross-cultural evidence on its appeal to donors across 25 countries. Management Science, 66 (October): 4820-4842, 2020 (with C. Fuchs, and M. G. de Jong) (link)

The power of personal. Journal of Retailing, 96 (1), 88-100, 2020 (with S.M.J. van Osselaer, C. Fuchs, and S. Puntoni) (link)

When consumers become project backers: The psychological consequences of participation in crowdfunding. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 35 (4), 673-685, 2018 (with S. Bitterl) (link)

The self-expressive customization of a product can improve performance. Journal of Marketing Research, 54 (Oktober): 816-831, 2017 (with U. Kaiser, and C. Janiszewski) (link)


Video The Handmade Effect

The Handmade Effect

Video Researcher of the Month

Researcher of the Month

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